Minutes 1929-09-25 r..~~ ~rroyo Cr~.nde, Califnrn~a, Se~i,ember 25~h, 1~1?`3. Cii~y Council rtaet purs~.~a.ni~ to ac~j ournnent ~t~ith T~xa~~ar C. 3. idob]. e~rrs~.d~n~, . rol]. caZl, Cot,~nca.lmen Pyob].e, ~torgan, Conrad, Cax ,and Yoa1e reportec~, present ~~~c~ne absent. T11~ ~~eti~~on sx~;x~ed I~~T I~,. P. lIapl.a.izs E'~. Sr. HB$~~ins and o~hers, was presei~i~ea ~o ~he Loard, l~Irs. ~3erl:ha ~V1.~IC1Y15AH pre ,erii:,ed a~~e1~~~.iori to tlie Coi.~nca~l askin~; that her nan~ bc withclrasvn ~rom the petition, anc~ on ~,Iotxon by Yoole, seaanc3.ec1 lay Cox, ancl ca,rri~d, ta have the pel;ition 1aa.c1 over ~'or fua~thcr cons~.dera,~ta.orz. I~i~:~4 r"fu~b:ared- O[~C~O, in favor of j'~ Stoneroad for Street ~vork in the sum of ~~"i . 00 ( 4>25 . C~0 ) w~zs a1.1 o~vecl a.nd orclered ~aid. ~3~11 nL~mbered ~3, in f~.vor ~f Raa~l~vay ~ Lx~z~ess A~enc~.~s,for l:;xpress on ~nosen.ecl~s, ~.n ~;li~ s~.ub o~' •`~2a.~0 was a~lawed and ord.ered paid. l~v further lausix~ess a~pearing and on ;,tQtaan t~ i:~~e~~.ng Fva.s ad j oiarnEd . ` ~ ~r C er . A~;t~s~ ~ ~~iu~,3roX' . ~ ~lrroyo (~rancle, Californ~a, . `'ePtember 25th, 1~2~. Cz~~T Counci~. me1~ pursuant to ~,d~ournr~eni;, ~,s a. ~oard of equ~.la~zation, svi~h :+~ajrar C. S. No~~le ~res~din~. . On ro11 ca11, Caunci~.men l~ab~e, ;!~Iargan, Conracl, Cax anc~ Poo1e repartec~, preseni~, idone absent. mhe adjaurnecl. ~eeting svau ~'or ~lle purpose of Yiearan~ ob~eo~ions to the tax lists, the CJ.erk reported ~ha.t no ob~~ctions had been fa.led, a~ af~eran examination af the assessment rolx, the i~ax rat~* ~s~as ~~.xed, for the ~ears, 1~~9, anil 1J~0, as follo~~rs, Boncls,,~q cen'~s, t;eneral f'und~ ;~x.OQ, mal~in~; a ~o~al of ~1.~30, No further hus~ness a~fpear~ng, the meet~n~; tva, ac~.journec~. w Clerk c~fi ie nard. ~lt~est, ~ ~ , i,iayar. • , . q . , _ . _ ~ -