Minutes 1929-12-04 , i ~ ~lrrr~~o Grande, Ca1.~i'orza~a r 1~°f.~i~.~l~~iT' 4~i~1~ • 1 ~ ~;it;,- ~aunc~.~ r.1et i~~ re,~;ul~.r ~;essa~on tivi~h a3ror C . ~ . Noble pres3.di~zg. Un rol7, call Cnunc~lmen Noble, Conrad, R'oole az~d. ~ox reported ~resen~, t;oucilman ~iar~.,an, absen~ . Una~~proved m3nutes read and approved ..is rea.d. Carrmlunic~~aons read a?icl placed on fi1e. ::eports afi' C3~T- C~erl~, Cit~ Trae~..~rer ancl ~'o~ice Jud~e; read, shotvinz; a baX~.nEe oi' cash in i;he trea~ury of ~~~1.19, th~ renor~s ~ver~ acce~ted and placed an fa.l.e. Ba,l~s ~,~;a~.nst ~I~e ~ater fund a1la~vea as follows; ~i'arran~ s Na . 1 QE' t a 11. , in the sum of 4 4? 3~ , N'7 " Bi7_1s a~,a~nst the ,~enera.l funa, allotv~cl and ordered pa3d as ~'o7.lows, ~s'arrants Numbered fnom 34a to 6~a, in the sum of 7~? . Q9 . OnDTN1~NCL N~ . 3'7, Orclin~,nce No .~3'7, an [:rt~~.nance ~;ran~in~ to ~he Union ~il. t;ampany of ~.:a1~.forn~a,Perr:i~ssion ~o construct, ma~.ntain, operate and remov~ buildings, tanks, piPe lines, on certa3n prorerty situate 3n the City of ~rroyo f~rande, State ot:' Californa~a.. '~he E-?rc~~.nance passed firs~ r~ac~inr~ b~* the ~ follotviz~ ; vo~e. Ayes, Councii.mun Nai~~ .,un}~a~w~ .`~-u y,.n~: : o~:.. No~s~ ~dne, • ~s, s~~~~~ , W~t~xc~.i~~.::. .~or~an. :1'r. G. Il. Chamberlaai.a asked perma.s:yon tp cp~.lect ~;arba~e, sa~~e ~~as ~ran~ecl. Purcl~a.se of' the fire ~'ruck left in hanc~s of ~the Stree~ . Corim~a~~tee . ' A Resolu~s.on tvas adopted recomenc~.~.n~ rrlr, ~tcCheaney ~ j tv the ~oarcl of A:~.ipcrva~ rdars as a~ mernber of the County planzl~n~; Con~m~.ss3on. No further business appear~in~ and an L~::ot3on the r~eetrin~ ~vas adj ourned. , ~ l._ C:it~r C erl~. ~lttest, c~-~ r,~4 y~r. . _ _ . _ b