Minutes 1930-01-01 ~ ,r~oya t~re~a~ea. C~lifnxxtia, , .T~uaarl I. T9~ C~E'~y C~a9~l met in regular ~esai.oa~ v~.th ~tayor i; H.L:~az.,; ~~i~ag ,~yar presidi,a~. d~ ro11 aall Co'~nailmen. ~ar~ ,~~ole aad Cox r~pc~r~~d. pre~ent/, Counailmen ~ob1e ~d Coaa~rsd. ab~ent. Unapproved m9.~xa,t~~ read sx~d apparaved ae ~aad. 8111~ e~e?9.nat ~h~ ~,~eral ft~d ixr ~he ewaa ot #T~b~.74 bsing wr~rrm?~ntp ~ttmb+rrd 56~ ~0 72+a,. B311s ~~a?ina~ '~he wster ~uad in ~he etam of ~248.82 ~?a~ a,~lc?~~d ~d mrder~d. paid, beimg rnamb~re II6 to II9. R~gor* o£ Ci~~ Gle~k r~ad and placed on ~ile. l~z. Panl Qt~e?r~~ma came be~o~e '~la.e Co'ru~il ~?nd ~tat~d ~a~ ~?#~r ~ram '~he r~perTOix h~?d xnn in his beern and d~aged hi~ h~y, ~i,e Cw'n~il i~atrau~~t~d ~he C3tp C1erk ~o tal~e #he m~:~~~r ~ wi'~? A,t~E~ey M.A.F'i~~gerald.« , ~hs City Cl~rk r~as i~e~ructed ~o av~ica~e with ~h~ Lay~e d~ Bv~ler : Pmwpl~ snd he,7~ '~em ~0 p~t11 ~he pq~p a~~ t~?e old Ci~~ wsll, sa~d. iaetall ~ it in t~e nsw bora~; wel~,. ~o f'~r~kher bnsi~aoee appearing arsd on matioa th~ ~~eti~ag ~ sd~~nx~ed. Cit~ C~erl~. ~'fi'frYO'~`i~ . ~ j~p='r ' k ! F ~ 4 n 1 ~ ~ I ~ 9 ~ ;i , ~ . . ~