R 2320 RESOLUTION NO. 2320 A RESOLUTION OF THE ClTY COUNCIL OF THE ClTY OF ARROYO GRANDE HONORING. JIM. a.ARK FOR HIS DISTINGUJSHED AND 01JTSl'ANDING SBRVJ<::H AS POLICE OFFICER AND POLICE CHIEF TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE, CALIFORNIA WHRRBAS, JIM CLARK has served and 88feguarded the City and Citizens of ArI'oyo Grande since May 1, 1959; and WHRREAS, JIM CLARK was appointed as a Police Officer in 1959 and, since that time, has dedicated his life and all his energies to I!1IlkiJā‚¬ and keep~ the City of Arroyo Grande a conmunity of which we are all proud; and WHRRRJU>, when he entered the City's ~y, there were only four officers in the Police Department; and WHEREAS, now, due to the ~ leadership of JIM CLARK, there are eighteen dedicated and loyal sworn peace officers, eight support personnel and several reserves ~ the City of Arroyo Grande; and WHEREAS, IOOving up in the ranks, he became Police Qrief on June I, 1972; and WHEREAS, JIM CLARK has served as President, Greater Pismo Beach Kiwanis Oub; as 0Iairn1an, San Luis Obispo County Qimina1 Mtlce AcinInIstrators AstiDciationl as MeniIer, Anoyo Grande Masonic Lodge; as Board Menbel', San Luis Obispo County Crime Stoppers; as Board Member, San Luis Obispo County Narcotic Task Force; as Menber, Oilifomia Police Qriefs' Association; as Member, CaliforniB Police PlEInnirg & Research Association; as Coordinator, South County Juvenile Task Force; as Menbel', Advisory Board, National Q1ild Safety Council; as Menber, Advisory Board, Allan Hancock and Qlesta Colleges; as MaWer, Salvation ArrrrJ Advisory Board for South San Luis Obispo Cbunty; as Menber, Advisory Board, Monterey Bay Area Training Center; as Board Member, California Cbuncil Criminal Ju>tice, Region P; received the Outstanding Service Award for Officer of the Year, 1961, presented by the San Luis Obispo Exc~e Oub; and served nwnerous times as Acting City Manager, when the City was without a permanent City Manager. WHEREAS, JIM CLARK, respected fsml1y man, c~ about the youth in his coommity, besides contributing his time and knowledge to various other youth organization!, was coach unci manager of the Arroyo Grande Valley Little League and Five Cities Youth Basketball; and WHEREAS, JIM CLARK will be greatly missed by his fellow workers, Who have come to adnire him for his sense of hllOOl', along with his seme of responsibility to the public; and WHEREAS. this Camllnity perceives and lauds the unilJlt! qualities of POLICE CHIEF JIM CLARK. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THE crJ'Y COUNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE does recognize, ronor and coomend JIM CLAnK fer his untir~ efforts to safeguard our City, fer his contribution! to the Citizens and Youth of our carm.mJty, and fer his untiring and devoted service for over thirty years to the City of Arroyo Grande and to all areas in whieh he was involved. BE rr PURTHER RESOLVED THIS ClTY COUHCIL declares that July 8,1989, will be known as "JIM CLARK DAY" in the City of Arroyo Grande, and that the police building will be dedicated in JIM CLARK'S honor and be known as "THE JAM&<; c. CLARK CENTER.n On IOOtion of Council Member Snith, seconded by Council Member Moots, and on the f~ roll call vote, to wit: A V&<;: Council Menbers Snith, Moots, Dougall, Olsen and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT: None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 27th day of June, 1989. ~ Jt~ ~~ ;/4& MA~ ATTESl': ::tJ~ a. ~ CITY