Minutes 1930-10-01 264 ~ ~ ~ _ ~ A;rroyo (~rar?da, Califoxuia, , 4otober le?t, 1~30. C~ty Couacoil met in reg~aldr se~sioaa wi~th Ysyor W. A. Conrad, presid~ng. On rall oall, Counailmoa Conrad, Pool~ and Gib~on r~ported pxeeent, Counv~l~ea korgan and Moore, ~b~snt. Unapproved minutee read and appraved a~ raad. A~11~ again~st tho General fund in .the ~ um of ~54'7.11, wae allowed and ordered pnid. and agai,n~t the Water fund in the ~um oi ~a77.~4 wa~ allared and ordN=ed psid• , ~eporte of City Clerk, City Judge a?nd Citq Treaeursr we~e raad and ordered filad» an ltotion it waa ordered that ~he City Cl~rl~ ordar one doawn m~ters. bTo furthsr bu~~nse~ appra~ring and on Idotion the meating was adjouznad. ~ y ~rk. 1~ttel~t, ~~"3~ayor.