Minutes 1931-01-21 a ~"73 . A.rroyo Grande, Cal.ifornia, January ~1~~, ~.~51. Ci,ty ry-our~o3.1 ~et 3.n__.regula~r ~ass~,or~ with E. 1[. uoxgar~, doti.ng ~ayor pxeeiding. , . 4n roll call, Counailmen ]dorgan, Poo~e and G3bso~ reported, preeant, Counoilmen Conrad and ' I~oore abeent. ' Tlnapproved minute~ rer~d and ~ppxOved ae reed. Pille dgair.st the Geaera~l lund in the eum of _ $54.45, ~a~ alla~ed dnd orderad paid. ~ ~?ORL~I~AIiCE No. 40, AN OADZI~~ICE AIdA~DI][G OPD~ANC~ ~o. 81 `~?Y ~ ADD~(~ A NEW ~ECT~Q1~ THEFt~TO, »TARL~~II~~G, FI]CING AgD IltPQBIgG, A YYA1ICIPAL L~CE~f SE a~, ~t4LE8ALE PEDDL71+~a/. The ~rdinanae wae paeeed ~econd reading by the tolld~wing vote, , Ayee: Counailmen Yorga~r~ Po~le and Gibeon, ~toea, Co~aaoil~sn ~ona. Abeent, Counoilmon Conrad and Yoare. ` T~±e Oxdinanae was tban e~nd there~ ai~~d by the ~~ayor and attested by the Gity Clerk, ~d oxdered pxinted. The Coudmp~i ngnia t~ok up the problam of ~gpointiag a Pound-keeper, snd the C~,erk wrxe 3netruoted to find eome ons rrho w~ll take the ,vPfic~. The Ch1of pf Pp1~,CO~ ig aleo inetructed to ' enforce the Ordinanae governing biayalee, No iurther bueinesa ,e~pp~sring and an ~otioa ths maeting wae adjourned. . ~ . ~ Gl/Gj , . ty' Ox' • Atte~t yor. . - - -