Minutes 1931-02-04 . ....17 ~74 ~ ~ ~ Arrayo Grand~, C~li~~ornia, , February 4th, 193~1. City Counoil m~t in r~gular eeasion with ,Rapar W, A. Conrad, preeidiag. ' ' On roll as11, Counailmen Co~rad, PoaG1e arxd G~ib~on reported present, Cou~~oilmen Yorgan and Koore ab~ent. [lne~pproved minutea resd and approved as read• . A oommuni.ae?tion from ths ~.eague af California Munici~p~litfes r~lative to a bill propcBad by ~~natar ~ ~illism E. Harper, amonding ~~at~.on 86a of the 1Cuniai.p- ~l Corporatian Aot rs3sing tha taz lia~it from ~1.CiQ • tc ~],.a6, by unarnimou~ vote~ of the Coemoil, it ~aa vrdorcd tha~ ~he Cl~rk wri.te to ths Ledgue, +~ndoraing the mea~ur~ mhe City Clerk xesdsr~d a roport ehowia a oaeh bdlaao,o in tihe gen~ral fund of~898.83 and thc Watdr fu~d of ~~1816.38, the x~porte w~re acaopt~d and plsaed on fi1a. Thm ~jayor appoint~d e Com~ittee to meet thm agent of the Ameriaan Fire Hoe~ Campany, ldr, Poo~e aad Qib~roa wne appoixk~t~d, and thay wer• to b~ as~ietsd by ~be Fire Chi~t. A~ter a discu~~ion of the aonditi.on o~ tha Swing Br~dge, it was deoid•d ior th~ pr~sont to po~t wotic~• at each atd of th~ bridga, ~arning p•dertrian~ tbnt t~ep ~vore vroeeing at thei.r o~m risk. . an ltotion it wa~~ ord~red tT~at the Cl~rk purohses a tmdz gas pistol ror ue• o~ th• Chiaf o~ Pcl~oe. Clerti also inatruated tio have ths g~reeta marked for parking. No further bueinse~ ~r,d on l~ation th• mestiag rrae ad journ~d. . L_ r ~yl~ yCex. ~tteet, , ~yor. . ~ , ~ ~ ~ ,