Minutes 1931-03-18 , . ~,.,..M,„„..„F ,h~ 2"~7 Arrayo Gr~.~d.e, Califoraia, . : Maroh 28th, 1931. C~ty Couz~vi2 met i.s r~gulax ~~ee3on with J. W. Yoars .avtireg Nayor, pr~~idiag. ~ • Oa roil vall, CQunailm~n Paoi~ Qib~on and ~ Yoars ripor~rd pxesent, Couna3lm~n Conrad ar~d uorgan:, ~b~~nt. ~ Onappravsd mir?uto~ xead and approv~rd ar read. Th• Clsrk re~d a rspart of th~ anlyr~r~of ths City watsr supply, th• r~port ~ho~sd th~ watrr ta bs v~ry good. 13«solu~ion l~o. ~5'~ f" A r~~olutio~n of th~ C3ty of Arroya Graad.~, ~ pertaini.n~g to ths Btat• Hirghway~ pa~ring ~braugh th• City, was passei, ~nd it th• ordrx ~f th• C+~uaail that th• Cl~rk w~r~ a oopy of th• Aa~olu- tion to th• Dirrator ot Publio Work~, also~a oopy to ths Govsrnor o~ th• 8tat~. po ~wrthsr ~u,~in~~s apprari~:g axrd on Yot~on . th~ mr~ti~g wa~ adjourn~d. . y •rk. ktt ~ ~t ~ ~`U Ilay o~'.