Minutes 1931-07-01 ~n. 284 ~ ~ ~ ~rroyo ars~de, Califoraiat, ~ ' July ist, 19~1. City Counoll mst in ,regular epesioa with ]tapor , . J1. Coarad pres~ding. ' ~n, roll call Coumoilmvn Conrad, Yoa~g~, Poo1e Cibsoa and Koore reported, pressmx, l~ons nbsent. Unapproved minutes read and approted ae rsa#. C3ty Clert azzd Tree?surer readered reporLs show~g a balanoe of cash ia the treaeury in the aensral fumd of ~488.94, dnd 3n th• Tatex f~md o! ~889.13y ths r.porte w~re aoct~pted sad pldoed on fi: , A1Ils agaiust the Greaeral ruad in the emoumt ot ,~~aQ.7a, and again.et the wator f~ad ia t,he sum~ af ~853. a8, the bil~~ were ai l~?~ aad ozdered pa~d. ~ Ths C1erk reported ta tbe Council that thsre wes a vaca~naq in the otfioe of~ Poliae JudBa, ow3ng to th~ ~ , Death o~ Jud~e K. R. Sws11, the ~r~,yor aek~d !or nomi- aatione !or the otfioe oi ~olics Judge, Counc~lmsm E. Y. Yorge~n, prassnted the nams of Oeoar ~idridge and. he w$e un~r?~mouely •~sated to the positian. Under th~ head vr aew bueineee ~ho qura~i.aa ot we~ds cr~ms vp for disansaioa and the followi:rg Lot~ wera ordered cl~an~d up, r~nd the 8trset euperiatinden~ was adtised to poet notices oa these lots. The ~ason3e Lot, aad th~ I. v. o. F. late orr Araaoh ~xre~t an~ the Ratk in~ Lot ori cor~er of Ynson and gsl~on 8tr~et, . and ths old Op~ra House Lot o~ ~anah 8tr~et. kr. Northrop of the Neptu~~i[,,.eter Co.• mad• a report to ths Ccunoil on ths purchaee of ths two aAd fonr inch 1~dt 4rr, po furtber busi~ee~s sppearit~g aad on l~o~ioa th~ mee~iag wae ae~ourned. . ~ y 1' . At~e . ~ Idayar.