Minutes 1931-08-19 ( . Arrayo drande, ~n13#ora~,a, , Augue~t 19~b, 1851. City Counoil m~t in regulsr aa+ss~iou wi~b Kayoac 11. A• Conrad, prs~idiriB• , . On roll asll, Cot~oilmen Conrad, Pocrl;o~AGibsoa a~d Yoor~ repor~ed prerent, Counv~imsa Yorgnn abeent« Unapprovad a~iautea read and sppro~ed nM rsad. Mr. Yoaroe ma;de applica~ioa for Ctt~ wa~er, ae ~h~r• wmr• no w~,t~r liaea in that pdxx oi Town, the Counoil iaformsd Yr. gonroe tha~t the Qity could aot attord to lay thr pip~. Appl~.ca~tion having bema m'ede by tb• Pe.oilia T~lopho~?o Co. to removs thm ei~n, that hange in the asater of Arsaoh and Pridg~ 8treets, tMe •ama wa~ oa Kotion graa!ted. uoved by Yoare aad ~aaox?ded bp Poole,it wae ordered that the Citp wili aomtri~rute a fund to reaonstruot th• ewi~~ bYidge that epana ~h~ aree$ at 3hort S~Creet, if it van b• dona for not to,ezgaed ~100.00, a pe~ition h~vin g boen ~iled w~,th tha City Qlerk, rritb. eub~ariptioae ~otslliag e.bcu~ flfty dollsre, Ths Chant ioleer ~lub, made a requsrt to havs the ~trsets named and tbr houeee aumbered, i't~was tb~ ord~r v! ~h~ Counai that ths rsqn~~~ bs graaated. . , ~ The Chantialeer Club also asked to bat• s~~ne plaaed' at t2~ sntr~ac~ of the City on ~he Highwsy, wa~,a~aing motoariste ~if the narrorr asd darrgeroue ioad. Ao ~urther bue~neee appsae ing aad om Kot3~on thi m~s~ ~g wae ad~ouraed. , _ . - .z Xxt~~r~ yor. Arroyo draads, Cal.itvt~a~.a, Augus~ 19th „1981. ' ~ity Counvil met ae a P~'oard of Equa~izatioa1, pursuaat to ~ad,~onram~nt, wit~ Yayor Conre?+d ~residi~rg. , p~r ro11 oall, Covacilmmn C~arad, Paole, aib~~ amd Yoar• r~rport~d pxae~nt, Covaoi~,an ltorgsa, abseat. Ae~ on• b~ing p=esent, or no oonplairt:t• bar?iag b~ea =11~, and e~ ~o~~c~aa th• me~tiag was a~d~o~rard to Aidaeaday e~pt. 3nd ~ 1SS1 at 8 ~cloclr P. ~t. ~ ~ ~ q er , xtte~ ayvr. z" r ~ ~ •