Minutes 1931-10-07 290 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rroyo ~tande, Califox~aia, ~ Qctober 7th, 1981. C3tp Co~ncil a~et in regular ~~~eioa with Mspar lf: A. Coazad praeiding. ' ~a roll aa11 CounQilme~n Coarad, l[organ, Pcaole a~d Gib~on reported, pr~rent .Covncilman ltoorr ' abrenti. Uaapproved minute~ r~~;d and approv~d r~e read. Commuaiaatione 'read and plao~d a~af3le. Ai,11+~ again~t the? Geaera~.l fund in tha ~um of ~74g.49 , and agaia~st the ~ater tnad i~a the ~rt~ of 648. b6, the bills were allawed and o=d•red pafd. It appoaring tv th• Ca~noil that w~ had av plumbing Inrpeotor, it wa~ regularly Yov~ed and Secondsd that E. Ewing bm appo~nted to till the p0eitioa, the Motioa e~rried. An Motia~ it wa• ordered tha~ we harre fen~e bu31t alon-g the Fa~tsrly line o! ths City prop~rty with a gat• bu~.lt aear th• Pump house, with a~ good look aad key. Tbe C].~rk wa• 3nstruatad tor co~mun3~at• with ~h• Pyron-Jackson Pump People, i~ith a vi~w ot haT3ag the p~p agdin pu11~d and r~paired. l~o furthar bueins~s app~~.ring and oa l~otio~a th e me~ t ing was ad ~ ourned. - L_ ~ y sr . A~~art ,VY 1-~b , Yayor.