Minutes 1931-12-02 9 . . , . . . , ~ ~ k¦ 294 ~ ~ ~ Axroqo Grand~, Cal ifot~~a, , neae~b.r 3ad, 1931. ~ City Counoil met ~ regular esesioa with J. A. ltoore aat3ng ~ds.yor, pree~ding, • - 0~ Roll call Courrcilmen Poole, G3b~oa and 1laore, reported preseat, Cou=ad and Mor~an, absent. . I~ Unapproved minute~ read and appxo~ad a~ read, On ~otiion it wrs ordered th at Three Hundrsd•dol].ax~ be trans~erred ~rom the Groee ~eoeipt~r, to the ~ater fuad, eam~ to be r~~urn~d to the C3rae~ Aevs3pt~, as roaa~ as aon~en3ent. 0~ ~otio~ or Poo~• and ~~oogd~d by aib~on t2ii ' S~~y C~.erk wa~ iartruoted waive all p~nalties, that would becomr due , on th~ del~uqusAOr of tbr fir~~ in~tallment of C~.ty Taae~• Pi11s agatn,~t the Gensral fund in the rum of ~683.6B, and ths Wster ftmd in the rum ot ~1].80.66 . the bills were all a~sd and ordered paid. Orr lrotian duly reaond~ad ,~t waa ordsred ~that tha City Clesk order one daz~n Herpay ~[sterr. ~o turther bua ine~• appe:r~ng and an motioa ths meeting war ad~our~rsd. y er . Atte~; • , xayor. ~9~ Arroya Gxande, Cali~araia, . D~Qember 16th, 19~1. _ ~ City Couaail ~et in regular eereiaa with W. A. C.onr~d Mayox, preriding. • On ro].1 aell Councilmen Caaarad, Nargan, Poole (~ib~on ~nd l~oore repbrted, pre~ent, None ab~ent. t~napproved minutes read and approvmd a~ read. A Com~unloatloA iro~ the _9tate ?ai.~road Commir~eiom wa~ read ar~ placed on f31e. R. E. Shor~ haviag eapreesed his wi113agne~,s to desd o~er to th~ rity ~ome para~l~ of land that appeare to in doubt af ownexship, ~nd also is wi113r1g to buy a aertain ~trip ot land abuttin~ on hie home, it wa,s the order af th~ Cauna~l th~t Nr. Short ~rake a~tatement in writi.ng ~u~t wk?at he i• A~lling to do ~aAd pree~ent sam~ at th• n~at me~tit~g. - Qa Yot3on of, uorg~n- stoo~?d•d by ~'oors, it wa• ordsred that the City bup a x~ew csr for ths uee oi th• Sup~x~tends~ o~ 8trests. RE90LUTIOY' 100. 55, pre~ented bq J. W. ltoor~, ~iEREAS~Tt appe~re ~nat the Super~nteadent ot ~treeta ie in need of a new ear, and there is ao~t ~uffl.aien~ ~u~ds in the tr,ea~urq available ~o puraha~e •ams, Thexefore b~ it, RESOLVEn, That tha y?ayor and City Clerk, are h~rebq ~iT~n tha poaer, and are ia~truatsd to ent~r into ar? agresment with the Aa~k of Amsriaa at Axropo (~r~de, Ahereby the ~said Cit~r maq boxro~r from the raid bank suftioierrt ~uad• for the purchase of th• sand Auto~ mabile, and to sign a note in pa~ment tor ~ame• I, herebq aertify that th~ for~gm3,ng r~e~eolution wae duly and regularly adopted by th e City Cowaail of the City of Arrvqa ara,rrd.e, at a regular me~~iag therwof h~ld on ths lg th day of T~~as~aber, 1931 by th~ follow~~ag .ata. A`~~s, Oouncilnen Canrad, ltorgsn, Poole (~ibso~ ~und ]doore. l~oer, Couiaailmsn~ona, Ab~ent, CowGmi],nen, pon~. A. F. 8tewart. y ~r . Rid~ wexe opmned for the new car as tol~owr: L. A. ?~r~rao, Schevsrolet piakup, ~5B6.90 Para~llos 8~ ltorgur_, Ford piokup, 5b0• QO After a diRaumw3on of tha merits of ths difl~r~~rt bid~, th• usyor plaa~rd th• matter ir~ the ha~ds of ~tb~ Strest Co~ffiittee, to ~tudy th• tpp~s o~ the diffsr~r~t Qar~, R. E. Patohett addre~red tha Couaail on the q~ertion of a 1ioe~are against the loaal Kerchart~~ for th• ra.ls of ~lsor~rgerizr , Mr. Patahett introducud Mr. ~~t('~`~-~~~~~ who alsa ~poke on ths rub~ect, and ixitroduaeda Resolur ~ticm, ~r. Talbot County ~'arm Adr?i~or, a1~o •pakr on th~ neaeeeity o~ 4n Ordin~,nd~. Ord~.nance No.4~. wa~ read and on Notion was a.dopted •ub~eat to th• appxoral af the Cit~ dttoraay. 'The Stree~ Superiatandeat was inrtruoted to p~aas a Meter at th• 7al~nka plac~. l~o further bu~fne~ appe ari.ng tbe me~ting wae a;d~our~ried. 7 , ~ A'tteat, llapor. 9 ar . I~. x.. x,~