Minutes 1932-03-16 ~ Arroyo ~rindt, ryalifornia ?Rarvh 16th, 193a. , City Council met in rmgular eseaion with Mayor 1~. A. Conrad pres iding. On roll sYsll, Counail~en Conrad, Morga~n, Poolt, sibson and ~!oore r~portsd, present, Fbn• abssnt. tln~pprovsd miautes rsad and approvtd ~s r~ad. R'ille agQinat th~Gi„sn~ral tund in th~ aum of ~4~8. 57sar al lo~?sd and ord~ rsd pai3. RESOI~tTTION No.57 A R~solution aac~ptin~ a de~d ?rom F: E. Short, for a c~rtain pi~v• of land looared on All~n Str~et, was avicept~d by th• Couricil, by th~ followinQ oots', Ay~e, Conrad, ]~or~an, Pool~, Gibson and itoor~, ~T~~s, Non~, Abesnt, Nons. pE30Lt1T201~ No. S8 p R~eolution acotpting a d~ad fro~e P. E. Short and Agn~,~e Rtilly for'a certain piece o! land loQated on t~ranch Stre~t, and deeianated "ths Allsp" was accepted by th~ folloa3.ng vots, . ; Ar~s, Conrad, 1!orQan, Pool~, Qib~on and uoor~, ~ I~o~e, Non~, Abs~n~, 11bn~, ; . ~ Opn21~A~tCE ~+iRER 42, ; j ~ln Ordiuano• d~fiain~ . th• t~rm "Ol~omar~~rir~~, "and ~ r~quiring per~o~ns, Firmr, an~i Corporations s~113nB or sxohan~ina off~ring tor ral~or :zahanQ~,, or h4vin~ in possassios with iritent to s~ll, or exahangs, Ol~omar~~rin~, to obtain a lio~s• authorizinQ th~m to do •o and to pay a lio~ne~ f~s; r~gul4tin~ th• traneportation~ o! Ol~omargerini within the Citq o! Arroyo Gran3e, an~ providina a p~nalty fa~r th~ vimlation of thi+~ Ordin~nc~. The Ordinanc• wae passsd tyy th• lollowinS vot~. Aqs~, Couacilm~a Conr~d, ~or~an Pool• Gib •c~n and Aoors No~s, " Noa~ Aba~nt, " Nont. The Ordiaance was sig~~d bq th~ l~ayor and attest~d by th• Clsrk of th~ City. ldr. Andr~ws, R. E. Pateh~tt and 0. E. l~iller, ~ppeard b~for~ th• rouncil, and urg~d tht paesa~e of ths abov~ Ordin~ot ueing !or th~ir arQum~nt that th~ County ae a whols had pa,~e~d ~ similar ordi~4na~m, in ordtr to protsct nairym~Aa~ain+st buttar substitutss, Messrs, P~nn~tt, Phillips, ?er~n, Wilkiason ~nd Hulstt, oppossd th~ paeea~~ of the Ordinane~, on th~ gro~md that it woul3 work a h~rdrhip on Psoplt unabl• to pa~ butter prie~e. 7f. S. 8~nith sugQ~st~d a eleanup w~ek, and it wae ths order of th~ !'ouncil trat from ~tarcha8th, ta Apr.Bnd b• fixed ae cl~anup week. C1~rk inetrueted to turnish I~r. 7a1 inka with Water at aame rate as other Fair Oaks oon~umers. No furth~r busin~e• appearin~ snd on l~otion th~ meE~tin~ wae ad~ourn~d. Atteet, Aq or. C ty Clerk