Minutes 1932-04-18 5 ~rroyo Grands, Calitornia, ~ April 18th, 19~~'. µCity Council m~t in ~p~cial s~~~ion w•ith E. Y. Nv~rQan prasidit~g, ~ ~ { On roll Qall Councilm~a Morgan, Poole ~d Gibson r~Pport~d ~ pr~s~~t, Councilm~a Conrad and ldoors, ab~ent. Mr. 3~orQan ~tat~~ ths• obj~ct of th• m~~tin~ was to ca~avas• ' th~ r~turnr of th• G~neral lGunicipal sl~ction h~ld an th• , 11th dap of April, 193a. and aPt~r a can~raee o! th• rsturns th• ~Clsrg prs~sat~d ths followirt~g R~~olution, IN THE COUN'CIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAIQDE, " 9TATE OF CALIFOR~tIA. RE80LUTION DECLApINt3 RESULT OF ELECTIO~. , ~PHEREXS', a~~n~ral municipal ~l~etion wa~ h~ld ia tht City of Arroyo Crand~, no Monday, th• llth day of April, 1938, a• r~quir~d bq law. AI~?? WH~EKB', it app~ar• thst notic~ oi said •l~ction wa~r duly aafl lsgil7.y giv~a, that votiag p~sa~~rots w~r~ prop~rlq ~~tablieh~d, th~t •l~ction offic~rs w~r• appo3.nt~d and sl~o- tiom suppli~~ Purni~h~d, and that in all r~;picts said •l~a- tion was h~ld and conduct~d and th• .vot~s aast th~r~a~ rtc~iv~d and canvass~d, a~rd th~ r~turn~ th~r`ot mad~ and d~o- lar~d in tim• lorm and manaer a~ r~quir~d by the gl~a~r~l law• of th~ 3tat• gov~r~ing •l~ctions in Citi~~ of thi Fifth and siath ala~r, AND WIiEREA$, th• Council ot said City m~t at th• Coumoil ahamb~r th~r~of on b'onday th• 18th,day of April, 29$2, to canvass th• r~turn• of •aid tl~ation, and inrtall th• n~wly •lsct~d of~ic~r~, ~nd having aanvass~d said r~turar, th• Council findi~ that ths numb~r of votss ca~t, th• rramss or tb• • p~r~on• vot~d for, and oth~r matt~rs ~~quir~d bq law, to.b• hsr~inaft~r stat~d, now th~r~for~, • RE IT RE80LVE~, a• follow~: Th4t ~aid g~n~ral Munioipal ~l~ction wae h~ld and cosrduot~d in th• City of Arropo Grand• on D~onday th~ 11th, day of April, 1938, in tim~, for~ aad mann~r, a• ~squir~3 by iaw: ThAt th~r• was on~ vot3a$ pr~cinct ~stabli~h~d tor l~hi~pn~po~~ of holdi~a~ ~aid sl~ct3on aonsisti~a o! a conaolidatio~ ot th~ r~gular sl~etion pr~aincte~ ~~t~i~b- ishtd for holding g~n~ral St4t• and County •l~ctioss, ~r tolle~w~: ( Con~olldat~d votin~ pr~cinat A) comprisin~ 3tat• and Count~r pr~oincts numbsr on• a~d two, and th~ vatinQ plao• .th~r~of Aa~ th• City hall. ~ That th~ whol~ numb~r of v~t~s ia s~id City wa• a96, that ths nam~~ ot the persons vot~d for, ths offiosrr for ~iioh ths3t w~r~ vot~d, th~ • aumb~r of vot~s givta in •ach pr~cinot to saah of ~Aid p~rson~,- tog~th~r with th• whol~ Aumb~r of vot~~ which thhr r~o~iv~d in th~~ntir• City ar• s~ follow~: . OOTES RECEIVED ~ N~.mss of p*rs6ns vot~d for; ot vo td for, totAl L. A. Arisao, C,ouncilman fullty~rm, a~S H. R. Ph 311 ip~ , ~ M a~a W. C. POO1• M n n $+~1 Oscar Eldridgt " " 't 8 A~a Conra3, City Cl~rk, 71 ~ A. Sts~vart, n a 22$ W~Aona Sa~ul~bury, City Tr~a~ur~r, 211 I p~nehi~ol , p n 1 ' RE30LVED thsr.Por~, that at ~aid g~n~ral mu~icipal •l~ction L. A. Rrisco, w~s sl~ot~d Counoilman of th• Citq o! Arroyo Crand~, for ths full tsrm of four y~ars. ~ ~ N C~ ooatiawd ~ ala~ that H. Q. Phillip~, waa tl~at~d ^owaoilmau oi said City tor th• full t~rm of four y~ars. , Al~o,tb~t, C. Pool~ was ~i~ot~d Couu ~ilmaa ot ~sid City for th~ full t~rm ot scwr ysars. . . Al~o that A. F. 8t~wart rr~.s •l~ctsd e3t~ C1srY oi •aid City for th• lull t~rm c~ io,~ r~ars. . I ~ Al~o that 1?~no~a 3aul~bur~r wa~ •l~vt~d Ci~r Tr~s~urirr of said Cit~ for . th• full. t~rs~ of lour y~ar~. , Th• C1t~ Cl~rk rhall uattr oa th• r~cord~ of tht Council a•tat~ ~n~nt~ of~ th~ rs~ult ot ths •l~etion, ~howi.~e (1) th• whols nv~tb~r of vot~• ~ast in ~aid City: (8) Th~ Aam~s ot th~ p~r~ous vot~d for, (3) Th• +~itio~ ior rfiioh ~s.ah p~rsoa wa~ ~ot~d for: {4) Th• numb~r o~ ~?ot~• Qivin at ~aab pr~oi~ot to eaoh of suah p~r~oar,: (6) Th• nv~bsr o! vot~~ ~iv~a in •aid ~Sity to •aoh of •uoh p~r~ons, th~ t~rn for rt~i~ thry w~r~ •l~ot~d. Th~ Ci~rk ~hali imm~diat~ly mak~ a~d d~liv~r to ~aoh of ~uoh ~ p~rron• •l~ct~d, a o~rtiliaat~. ot ~l~otioae, •ignrd by h#~ rad duly autb~tioat~d: h~ shall also impos~ t2~a coastituti~aal oath of oftic• and hav~ th~n sub~arib• th~r~to, w'hsrsup~n thq shall b• i~duct~d iata th~ ri~p~oti~• aftio~• td~ ~h~oh ~ thhr hav~ b~t~ •l~ct~d. I, tb~ wad~raigQ~cl, h~r~by a~rtityr that th• imrs~o~s~ R~rolut it~ was duly aad r~ `ularly istrodua~d aad admpt~d br th• Cmu~oil of th~ ~itp , art Arrpro Gra~M , it a r~eular w~ti~` h~ld on April 18tt?, _193a, by tls• lolliwtm~ vot~. A~r~~, ~ Couaoil~n~ xol~in, Pool• arid Gib~cra, - Ao~i, Couaoilmsn ~o~?~, X~ss~t, Counoilms~ Ccaarad a~ad Momrt, ~ I~_ t~~tinoA~ w~~r~of, I hav~ h~r~uato •st n~ haa~d asd a~t#x~ei ths oflioial s~al oi said City, thi• 18tt~, da~ ot April, l9sa'. . th~r.• wa~ Ao fustb~r busia~ss to com~ b~t~?rr th~ old Aoard, and t~t ~t0tios tb~ m~st i~~ dofs no~r ~u! j . ~ y !T ~ Att~st, l~ayor, Pro tt~h, Th~ Covaoil war i~n~diatslY call~d to ordsr by City Q1~~k~ F. F. ~8t~wasti, +~ho call~d tor ~oni~atioAS tor tanporar~? t3l~ai~at~, and ,T~. R. phi12 ips.i war plac~d ia mo~t~~tio~, amd u~an~a?ou~l~r ~l~ot~d t~.a~porar~r Chair~ar~, Xr. Phillipr th~n aallsd. tor avoiaation~ for lts~or, t,~~ _ ' nan~ Qf J. i.. ~'~bb Yoor• wa~ plawd ie ao~nia~atiaa, amd` ~a ltotio~th• wa• ~l~o~~d 1ta~or, of th• ~itp bp aoclinatie~. ~tr. Ph ill ips ~h~ oal l~ tor a l~otio~ to ad~~uts #s T~d- ~~~Qay •v~ai~~ •t 8 Ool ook P. Y. AAd ~s li~tiom ot 61b~si •~coad~ by Poo~is, th• ~~t~a` wa~ ad~suri~d to ~'~d~~sdar si~ht. ~ i! Xtt~~t, H. R. phillip~, • Aoting ~ta~or. • • w ~ ; . ~ ~ . . . i .s