Minutes 1932-05-18 9 Arroyo Grande, Calitoraia, ~ ][ay 16th, 1938. City Covncil net in reaular eeaeion Ri~h, 1~. C. Poo2e aot ine ~rsyor pre~id#n¢, On ro~l ~13s, Counoilmsn Poole, Gibeon and ~ Ph illipa reported preAent, Couao iUnen Yoore and Arisoo, ~beeat. Uaapp roved min utee read and approred ae read. l~r. P. ~il~on appeared before the Ccunoil and aeked to have a croeeina plaaed aoroea the Railroad at Le Point Street. ~ The Street 3uperinteffient was ~itretruoted tc take the mattar up before the proper authorit iee, and have tbe oroeaina put in. The Clerk was inetru~oted to order the Codee for the use of ths Police Court. ~ ' A oa~nmunioat ion trau the Auto Club of 8outhera : Calilornia, with a Reeolutioain oppoaition to anp iYroreaee in the ltat or veb iole Taucat ioa, or any divereion of Hi~hwap Revenue+e to purposes other than ' thoee now epevified by law. 1 ' The Resolution wae adopted by the folla?irr~ vote 1 ~ Aqes, Counoi~m.s~-PS"ole, (3lbsom and Philli~r.~e, ~ poea, * Noaie Abeent, " Yoore sad Brieco, The Clerk wae inetruotsd to aotity the Chiet of Polioe to repaint the linss a1 qaQ Aranoh Stree~ a~ndto notity all motorists to-observe the parkin~ l.aws, and after beia~ notifleQ, then to naYe areetet. • - ~o turther businees appeariir~ and on ~tot ion the aeetim~ was akd~ourned: ' ~ q er Attest, Xapor.