Minutes 1932-07-06 1~ y ~ ~ ~ . krroyo Graade, Caliiprnia,. ~ July ath, 19a8. City Council mst in re~ulsr se~eion tritb l~ayor J, ~ebb Yoore presid~ng, . . p~ roll ca?11 Counailmen, ~toore, Poole, , Qibsoa,' Phillips and Brisco, reported, present. r~oae absent. ~ ' Uaapprofed a~iuutes rsad and appro~~d ae read. Y~r. Johnson and others of the llestern Additi~ oame betors th• Counail to eee ~'hat oould be doa~ in r.egard to eewere tor the eub-ctitirion, it wae the general opinion ot tb• .,cunail thst t~h e propoeit ion wou.td -harre to b~ doae uader th~ ia~protement xcti.. ~ Ordiaanae llo. ~4- An Ordinance of the City City o! Arroyo Qranda, ~rohibitin~ Certai~a ~3u1- ld~a~s and use~ ot property in cert~iin pnrtsQi t~~ City oi irroro Graade. The Ordiasncs wse read by th• Glsrk and cm Yot fon ~we~e advpt ~d by th i f~l l e~ria Q~o~ e; ~ Ayes, Cotmoilmeactt ~'oore, Poole, Qiasoa~, Phillips end Rriseo, 1#oes, Coiatollmeaa, ~~FVS~e, _abe~t, s~n~. ~ _ Th• Ordinanae wae .spprored by th~ Yspc?t end ' ~ attssted by the Clerk 0! ths tlity. ~ills agaia~t t,h• Qensre?1 i'und 1A th• eu~ ~ot ' ~10~'8.07 , and th~ latsr twd in th~ eum ot'~8$t~.91 , , t~~ billa w~r~ dlivasd and ordersd paid. ~ l~o furth~r bus3ners appe$riYtQ th~ meetina ws~ 'i ad ~ ~urri~d.• I f . . . . I ' ._._'t"'3~ ~r . i ~ • q~ e~ A t t e~ t, u?r'F,Nf ~~n"'~'~-r ~Iayor. . . ~I ~ ; . , . ~ I ,l . ~ ~