Minutes 1932-10-05 19 • ' ArroyQ Grande {g13Porni~, ~ ~D I~'' Sth, 1933. ~ City Co~ail met in regular aession with ldayor J. i~oore presiding, On roll call, 911 membere of the Cotmcil reported, preeant. tTnapproved mirrutee read and approved ae read.. Comm~ieations read and plaQed an file. ~r. A. F. Culbard prea~nted a propoeition to the Co~oil ~or the Yetirement ot the ~oater bond~, an3 he wae inetruated to present the plan in detail. There being a large numbar of citizene present, the • D~ayor called up~n Mrs. 8teele of the parent Teaohare Asao~oiation , 1!~re 8teele spoke of the hazard to the emall children in croeaing the Highwap to and trom the Grammar Sahool, without an Ofricer there to dirsat traffia. • ~ I~r. peaorde, and Mr. F. E. Rennett both e~poke in favor of retaining a traffio officer. R. Short made a short talk in favor of a Policeman, ' Bounoilman Poole, D~ayor Koore, 1~re 'Raldwin, and other~ spoke for a reduotion ot expensee. I After the viaitor~ had• riled out, ldr. Rrieoo made a l~ot ion to allow the 1~aqor to o~fsr Mr. Asanoh f itt eea dollare a mo~th to take care of t2~e Sahool, and five • dQllara a month to aot ae fire oh i~bf, the Mo~ ion wae seoonded by Phillipe, and was carried. 1~r. Nt~r~ht~ver a,aked th• Council to amend the tempo- rary^,Ordinaric~s, ea as not allow 011 Companiee to ereot up- right t~ak~, E?~~le againet the General fund in the eum of ~618.17 a~id the water t~d in the sum or #asa.81, the bille were allo~?ed and ordered paid. . peporte of the Citp Clerk and the water 3earetarq w?ere read ehowiag a balanae ot caeh in the Gemeral fund of ~808.18 and the water lund in the eum of ~463.55 No r~port trom the Polioe Judge. It waa ordered bq the Council to out Dr. Carrie F. Thwaits water b311 do~vn to One dollar minimum. On I~ot ion it was orderad that Mr. Ewing go ahoad and fix up the car and supply aheds. On l~otion it was ordered to buy one dozen Neptune vater meters. No further bwsineee appearing and on Motion the meet ing wae ad~ourned. i~ T , y t, e r . Attest, ]l~apor.