Minutes 1933-04-05 ~ 31 r y~•~~ ~ x.; : ~t,:•=..,. . w.w~ /~rroyo .Grar~d~, California,, April 5th 1~83. \ City Co~cil met in regular seseion with Mayor J. i~'~are pre~iding, ~ Qn roll Qall, roun~il~en '~~oo~re, Poale, Gibson, Phillips and ~rieco, reported preeent, none absent. t tTn~rnr~ved m:nutee read and approved sa raad. ~ Co~m~ ic~t ions read and placed on f ile. Charlee Northover ma~e sppli~~t~^n f~r a lic~nse to sell beer. ~'artha ~'renah ma3e appliaation for~ licenee to ~ell beer at the Freneh Re9t~urant. Ranier ;alee ^ompanq made applieation for a aholesale licenee tosell beer and aueh oth~r beveragee, ~?hen permitte~ imder the propoeed modifiaation ~f the ti'olstea3 Act. Rills ~{~ainst the General fwnd in the sum of ~62,5.91, and the ~v~tar fund in the eum df, ~198.32 the billa were sll oyved and ordered pqid. Permi~e ion wse granted the Sruita ?~a~ria Gas ~ompany t o cut th e pavement in Rran ch and Pr id ge 3tre ete to insta.ll new gae mains. , The City Clerk waa inetruoted to h ire a 1~an ' to clean up the Creek bed,,ae raQOmended by the Co~nty i~ealth offioe. , , A. W. Hawkine ~vae appoin'ted plu~bing Inepeetor, ' and the C ity Clerk wae aeked to ~o not iYy ~tr. Han'k in~r ' i The City Caunoll recome~3ed a aleanup week, and ~ fixed the date fra~n M'aroh lOth to the lbth, On 1~0~3,~~}~~ Rrieco ssconded by Phillipa, it wae ordexed th ~~~5 ite be granted to thoe~ applying for permita, sub~eat to a liQeneing Ordinanae to bs pa$esd by the City , foll owing final act iom arrd decie ian by th• State and County, A lioer~ee fee oP ~20.00 per year will be oharged/ No further businesa appearing the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ y erk. Atteet,~~~ ~,.-u ~Zr~~ ~ayor.