Minutes 1933-05-03 ~ Arroy o arande, Qalilorn ia• " ltay 3rd, 18 S3• . ; City. CounQil met in regular eeesion with ! Maqor J. W. Moore preeiding. On roll eall,ail membera of the Counsi2 reported preeent. nnapprov~ed minutee read and approved as read. ~Cot~unications read and plaoed on tile. Piils against tha General lund in the sum of ~~f'~~~~D and the watsr tvnd in ths eum of ~ ths bills were allowed and ordsred paid. There wera two bid~ rec~ived to lurnieh oollapeable ahaire !or tbe City ~iall, Earl 1~ood, at ~1a.00 per dozon, sli~tly u~eed ehairs, aan the Arroyo '~rs~de ^ommercisl Co, at ~a1.76 tor new chaire, t~:e ~oode Aid wae aoespted, and the Cownoil Cozm eil iuetructed the,City Clerk to purehaee a5 chairs from Mr. Wood. 0~ Motion of Phillipeto exte~rd a~!oritorivm o~,~ City ta~ces, to June a0th, 193~, the Moticai was seeoaded by Poole, and was carried. - The City Clerk wae inatruotsd to notity propertp ~ ownarswho have not cut the weede on their pramia~e to do so or th• sems Rould bs done by the City , and ths coet would be ~a~rged againet th• property. No i`urther buainesa appeet~riag and on Mothin the meetin g was ad~ouraed. y ar . Atteet, t~~Y.o-f ~'`~N'~Y~, ~tayor.