Minutes 1933-07-05 37. , ~ Arropo arande, Csliiorn ia, July 6th, 1933. Citq Co~oil met in regular eeeeion with L. A. Brisoo . acting ?~ayor pr4eidimg. On roll call, Coimcilmen Poo~le, PhilTipe aad E~rieco, r~ported prerent, Cotmcilmen Yoore and Gibeau, al~sent. Uaapproved minutee read e~nd approved ae rea~. Commtaiicatione read art~f plaQed c~ lile. ~ Billa agaiuat the ~eneral f~md in the euan o~ ~673.12, and th~ water fund in the sum of ~504.08 the bills were allowed and oedered pa3d. Report of the City Clerk and Treasurer were read showin g a balanoe in ths Geaeral fumd of ~383.64, and a baiance ~ in tha we~ter l~md in the evm ot ~lab0.al, the reports were nss~c aacepted and placed oa f ild. Tha Citq Clmrk was allowed two ~reek~ vaostionr, 1~o further bueiness appearing and bn ldotion the meetiag was ad~otaned. p er . Attest, ~ti~~~~r~, Wayo~.