Minutes 1933-11-01 4~ ~ H ~ ~ ~ ~ Arroya ara~nde,, Calliornia, • ~ NoRrsmber lst,, 193a`« City Covaail met ,in regular eeesion with ~t+syo~ J. T. Itoar• prsaidimg: ' ' On roll csll, alr memliera oi tbs Canm~oil repozted pr~ssa~. ~ . Uhapproved miautes read arrd approvsd aES re~ud. ~ Mi. Sohult~ „ o! th• veterane oolony addrEaeid ~h~ Couaoil on ths ~eub~~ot o~ the eat~neion of arand ivsnu~ irom th• City o! Arroyo drnndi to the Aeaab, th• . Cou~noil toak th• matt~r ~der oaaeideration. Eari S. 3mith prsssatrd aa Ordinanpeto bs pas~~d bq Cou~oil prQhlbiting ths instalratiom o! a Tub~raulosis hospital in the City. The Couaoil reiered ths Ordiaamo~ b~ot to~ ur. 8mith la~r a l~gal opiszion aa to the City~ s -rights in th~ mattsr. A Camm~ication trc~ L. FI aib~o~n iir r~fsr~noe to~ th• buildi~rg ot the 8tate ros~ tbiough Adma to tb#~ Citp.. Bille aga~iast th• G~en~sral !uffi in the sva o~t ~St~lf. S4 aad th~ wdt er i~d in .th~ •um oi ~4a~.79, was r~ad s~d am ltat ion ordsred paid. Ordinanoe N'u~ber 4g, a~t Ordinauo~ ot the City- ot Arroyo ara~nd• amsnding Ordinamae 1Qo. 3T by ddding a new 3~otion w ther~to~ r~~lat iss~g to bwei ~e~ o! bakeries looatsd cuteide we tht City o~ Arroyo arand « The ordiaatnoe waa paesed eecond rea~iag by th~ • tollawiag vote. Ayae, Yooze, Pool~,, Gibsa~,, Philli~~ a~d-- Brisoo, Abee non• abaent Narre„ the Qrdih~uuce w~ rig~n~d by th• I~aqor and attes`t~d by the Clerk o! th~ Cit~. . j T2~e 8'~r~~t Superlnt~ndent wae ~etrnot~d to~ fill th~ craoka in:the conorete pavsm~n . . Ths Citq Clerk rm~d~r~d reports ehowmg 4 bale.n~ of ceueD in th~ gsn~ral iutd in th~ sum of ~'96~.30~, aad th~• wett~r Sn~ in th• sum ot ~1618.r7, ths s~pa~rt~ wrr~ plso~d on fi~~l.. ga lurther bwein es app~aring and on motion th• ' me~ting wae ad3 ourn~.. ~r Att~~~,~%~~~~~~ldsyo~. , ~