Minutes 1933-11-15 ~ ; C`p' ~ , ~ Arroyo Graade, Calitornia, November 15th,, 193~. ~ Ci~y Council met in regular eesg ion ~vith • • b~ayor J. W. Moore preeiding. Oa roll Qall CoumQilmen Moore, Poole,, Gibson, and•Phillipe reported present Councilman Arisco, abeent. Uhapproved minutee read and approved ae read. Ccanm~icat ions from the P. C. Railroad Companq, • rela~tivsl;xx to the application to discontinue traine over a part of their road. alao a communication froan th~ Citp of Lakeport, in regard to the ~treet aeeeeemsnt delinquency. The caumuniQations were placed on file. The Clsrk ~vae inetruetmd to write to the IIn~ted Statee Pips and Foundrp Companq for pricee on pipe. Rills in the sum of ~61.65 drawn againet trhe •watar fund was allowed and ordered paid. No further businese appearin and on Motion the meet ing was ad3ourned.• • y er . Atteet,~'~ ~tayo~. , ) ) ~ ~ Arroyo Grand~, California, " 2Javamber a4th, 1933. The City Cozmail ~net at the call of the ~•ayor, with ~,ayor, a. 1~. YoQre pre~iding, 0~ roll ~al' all~memberg of the Couucil report~d preeent. The ~ayor etated ths ob~ect of the m~eting Rae to pa~e a resolution aubmitting application to the Federal Civil Worke Adminiatration Por pri~eete in • the Citq. ~,,,,~;~vn • The No. 59 Was read by th e Clerk and on Mot ion ware passed bp the toll a?ing vots. = Ape~, Councilmen, Moore, Poole, Gibaon, PhillipB and Arieoo, Noee, c~ouneilmen l~one. Absent noune en None, • ~ •:PrS o u'~o ?7 Th~.~rd-irretnee wae atteated by the Clerk of the City. No further bveinese appearing and on 1~ tion the eet ing ~aa ad~ourned. • ~ p er . Attest, Y~~-r~ Mayor.