Minutes 1934-05-02 6~ y Cs7 ~ . ~ ' ~ Arro~ro a=aade, Qaliibr~ia Ya~ ~d, I9~. Cit~ Cevoncil m~t ia r~`v~lar ses~rioa wi~h - Ya~or J. f. Yovr~, prsaidla~: ~ on roir~ o,~iL Qot~oil~ten Yoare~ Fo~1~,, Qibsoa~ P~?ilhi's aad" pr~so~, " r~ported pr~seat, lton~ aba+e~t~. ' tfiaaPpre~?ea minv~ es resd snd approvsd as reac'~. Xr._ Bv~rrell Priaoipsl ot tb~ Hi~h 8ahoe~. ap~ar~d b~?tos~ th~ Cowaoil,, aad: ~ad~ a propositiooa, tha; t~ 8~ho~ wo~id ~!or em~d 1sr a~w to~ar iacrh ~t,~r ' ~ala siaaa~ Branoh Str+~t, ta tii ia tD~ir tt~r~o ssd ea~ ba~t iaolt li~e, t~~ C i~r to ohas~~ the wat ~r ~il~ to tI~ t~se~1 vntil2 ~h~ oo~t ert th~ pip~ ~iaitalla iw - ir paid ioar, tmq~, tLr li~u wo~la b~lam~ to th~ ~i~~• t~ Yotioa ot Phil~i~s •eooadsd b~ ~b~om, it ord~r~d tDat we aoo~pt th~ pso~ositio . A~lis asain~t tha t~at~rsi lt~d iz~ th~ ~vs o ~Y. ~ • aaid t!~ ~at•r !'mdd ia tb• .ue oi aa~~.'d, th~ bi ~a~re~ r~ed b~ t1~~ ttlerl~ s~d an ltottom was or~~r~d pai It. t~. Prn~ss ap~a~r~d bslos• ~b~ Qoynoil, sad eui~~d to ~s~e th~ Btres~t •i~a s~sin put ~h~ ~~oil tov* th~ a~stter and qr~ite a di~otirsiea t~ll~l, -1r~sien~ n p~s~r wer~ di~c~ss~d~ bu~ ao a;~rsm~At wa~ rtsa~d, and ~t~. , ro~~• wae a~k ed xo. pr~~~at atber plin~i: Tbi 'pnro~a~~d b~r tbs vtiisrns wa~ buas at tL• 3a~s~~i~u of Brid~~ aad Branoh 8trs~tt~. ' ~ . At't~r the i~wsy r?a1~ r~-ront~d,~ t~• ~lep~en~ Qe~+ wrd~ ~ppl~,oat~ to rano~r~ t,~t• •ipin, s~ 1# wa~ i~qn the ~ w~r iavr, th~ir oabli. ?b~ 1"~i~phou~ P~erpl~ s~se~?d ts~ i~~et th• ~i~ at aa~r ti~ aad plaor t~ t~~i~ Rauted ~L~ QitT Clesr wa~ in~trviot~d tio ov~t~ond wi~l~ th• Coapaa~ in r~6ssd to th• matt~s~. : Th• QitT Ql~rr r~c! twe lsttess r~o~i~~d tri~ Yt. ~i~l~r o! tbe Yatianal ~udit nnd'8~r»t~ Ca~ps~r, ia r~ssrd ~o th~ snditins o= tAs aitr aooovot~. And o~a Yot icqa d~l.~ •taoad~! and oarri~d, ~ it ~e+r ~ ord~ tbat ~r aoe~tpt l[~. •ia.Isr's prepe~i~tios, s~ hr~ri hia andit tb~ boot~. ~i~wr a dieov~s~ioa of the iinaao~s ot th~ t3~#~? it ws~ e~rd~ra~1 ~o plno~ ~bOd. QQ ot th• wa~es !'u~id~s ia tLt• ~ ~aiin~• aooon~a~. T6e Cler1~ was in~tst~~ed tb ~rdtr lOp-a f~,t rrw~r ~ rods; _ froe tlas A. L'. Tona~ Ysa~ ia~rp C~. 4n ltotioa it wa• osd~rsd te proos~d wi~h tg~ build3n6 .o! a konr• at CitY w~lle, !or th• use O! th~ tat~r 8~perintead~n . R~~ol nt i,~a o! t~b~ C itp vom?cil r~ao in~ ~ . BtrNt li~ts, aae loall~w~. al~ 4C~0 oen~d.~~ po~r~r lia3?~~ t• bs r~edno~c! to~ 100 os~mdl~ panr loaht~. s~l a111 lOf~ eamdl• er liEh~e to bs r~clna~d to 60 ess~dl~ c wa~ ~~pt . 8o tnrth•r bu~ia~s~ app~aria~ s~d on N th~ a~~tin~ wa~ a~d~omcn~#. ~ : . atta? ~ o~. .