Minutes 1934-05-16 61 A=royo Grande, Calitornia, ~lay 16tb , 1934. City Coumil mst in regular esseion with A. C. Pocrle Ydqo; premidiag. On ro173 cal1, Councilmen FooSe~ Qibeon and Phill~ps rsported prssent, Connoilmea xoarrs and Bsisao, absea « . Unapproved minutss redd aad approved ae read~. A cam~mu~ioation from ~ictorino ds ~a Cruz, of the Phillipiae Islaa~de, Clerk iastruot.ed to rei~= the letter to ths Public A~dministsator. Commvnivetion tro~ the Yidlend Cou~ties Publio ~ Bervioe Corporation ia rmgard to oontracat oa Bt=se~t li~hts, Oa ltution lnid on tabld. Ri1Te againet the Ganeral tvud for ~la.Ot~ ailawed and ordered paid. Stroe~ 8upt~ inetructsd to ha~~ Aalnut treee t rimmed up nl oad g th s e idewalY s. Clerk instruotsd to notit'y Yrs Olohaa to cl•qn up the vdcsnt Lot back ot ths Btors, oa Aridge 8t~. I~o turther buaineee appea~ing and oa ~tv~ion , . th e me at ing was ad ~ ourneee'~. y e r Attest,~-~~~';- Yayo~. G~~;c.~iL , i 9~ ~ ~c?~ ~'S,ati011111 AIIdS~ ~9 rNdr ~:.s~ - ~°~''`~L`-~ ~!~~~~n-~ ~ ~ -