Minutes 1934-08-15 67' ArroyQ~ (3rsader C~.11tQ~IIia, ` August l6th~ 1934. ; City Couacil mst in regular .ssasion with ~tayor• • a. Moore presiding. On roll oall Counoilmen Itoare, Poole, Phillips a~nd Prieoo, report~d preeent, Councilman Gibson, absent'. Unapproved mintrtes read and appr~sd ae rma~. On Motion of Phillip~ eevonded by Poo~le it wae ordered that ths Treasurer eign th~ agraMnent for the paympnt ot int.areet by ths ba~ of AmeriQa~ to begin Auguet lst, 1984. , The Citq Clerk was inetrt~c~ed to write A~~Qr~?eqC. P. Raetzslto~ see it anything wae b~itmg doa• in the Pam~ ot America interset oaee. On Motion of Philiipe sscoaded by Poc~le, it wa~e the order arf thm Couacil that with the three do~llara paid on this dnte bp 4aaar Eldrid gs Polies Judgs, ths ~o~vaail doss herebq caa~c~l the accountabil3tq reported bq the spsaial Auditor. 1[nd ~hat th• tuturs oompeneatiom of ths aaid Polic• Judge wil~ be ths sum ot three~ dQllar~ per cass,. wh~re ths line ie thr~e dcrllars or over, wliere finee are Ieee than three dQllar• th• oomp~- eation will" be ons half the fin~,• and whsre ther• is no iine thers wilY be no fee aharged by th• Ju~dge. On Matioa- it wa~a ordered that tb• wator rates at the Americnn Legion Hall be redncsd to one dellar per month urrlsse ths water ueed exceede S50 aubio teet. Aad thett tour months of ths baok bills be o~cas2led, a~d the lull amouat ot two do~llare Ue co~llscted ~or the balaac• oi the - uapaid b ilre to datd. , l~o turther bi,vine~er appearing an i t mee~tiag wa~e ad jouraed. q ` q er . Attee t,. 4~r'~',~-~ 1~-~ I~ayor. _ # Arroyo arand~,, Augvet ~$th~ 1934. Thie b~irrg the dats of ths meeting ot the Aoard oi . Equslia~tioa~~ and ae thers wers ao oomplainte filsd and a~e th~rs wae not a quorum pr~esi~t ths City Clerk ad~ouramd the meet irr~ to Ai~lnesday •v~ning at 8 Q lorok. . . , . . y er . Arroyo t3rand~, Calif. August lfi, 1934 The Foard of Councilmsn met ds a Ro~ard of Equsliaation pureuant to ad~ournm~nt, with Idaycrr J. W. l[oac~s presiding. On roll odll, Counoilmen ~oore,, Poole,, Phillipe arnd • Rriseo r~ported present, uibson ab~ent. _ As there waa no complaints liled and on ~:otiom ths merting was ad~ourned to Wsdn~eday Auguet aana at 8 Ool ook, P. L[. ~ y srk. Att~st, ~°Y~-Idayor.