Minutes 1934-08-13 . 6?` Arroyo~ araade,, Calliornis, ~ A ugust l6th ~ 1934. ; Citp Counail met in regular •ssaslon with Idayor• • a. Moora presiding. On roll eall Counoilmen ltoare, Poole, Phillips ,auad Rrisoo, reported present, Counailman Gibson, absent. Unapproved minutes read and apprc~r~ed ae read• On Motion of PhilYips eeooaded bq Poole it wae ordered that ths Trea~urer aign the agreemsut for the paymeAt ot int.erset by ths baidr of Ameriaa~ to begin August lst, 1984. , The City Clerk was inetrt~e~~c! to write A~~OrasqC. P. Kaetzslto- see if anything waa b~i~g don• in ths E~a~1t o! America intereet aaee. On Motion of PhilTipe esoonded by Pov~le, it was the order arf th~ Couacil that with the three do~llars paid on thie date by Osaar Eldrid gs Police Judgs, ths Co~unail dos• hsreby cane~l the acoouatabil3tp reported bq the spsaial Auditor. I~nd that the futurs oompeaeatiom of th• said Polic• Judge wil~ be ths sum ot three° da~llars per eass,. ~h~re the line ie thr~e dcrllar~ or over, whers finee are Ieea then three do~llar• th• eo~npe~- edt ion will' be one half the fin~, • and where thsr• is no fine there will be no tee aharged by th• Judge. On Mo4tion- it was ordered that tbt water rates at the Americnn Legion Hall be reduasd to one dQllar per month urrles~e the water ueed exeeede S50 Qubio feet. And that four month e of th ~ baok b il l s be cama~sl l ed, affi th ~!ul l amouat o! two daiTars be oo~lisoted ior the balancs ot ths - umpaid b ilIs to date. ~ No further busine~~ appeering an i t mee~ting wae ad~ov~raed. q ` y er . Atteat,. `~r'~"~ 1~-oY~kayor. - _ ~ Arroyo arande„ August ~$th~ 193~. Thie b~irrg the date oi the meeting of the Aodrd of . Equali~tiom~ arrd ae thers wers mo eompl~inte lilsd eaad ~re th~rs we~s not s quorum pr~esht ths Citq Clerk ad~ouramd the meet iag to Wi~inesday •wrting at 8 Q la~ok. • • . . , y er . Arroyo t3rauid~, Calii. Augu?et 2fi, 1934 The Roard of Councilmen met aa a F~ard o! Equalization pureuant to ad journmmnt, with ltaycrr J. W. l[oa~re presiding. On roll odll, Counoilmea l~oare,, Pools,, Phillipe and • Rrisoo r~ported present, Gib~on abeent. _ As there waa no eompldints tiled aad on ~:otiom the me~r.ting was ad~ourned to Wsdn~sday August 38nd nt 8 Ool ook, P. K. y erk . Att~st, ~1Tayor.