Minutes 1934-11-21 _ 73~ Arroyo Grande, Cal:iiornia„ Nc~r~~nb~r 21et,, 1934. Citq Council m~t in rtgular ~tss-ion with Mayor J. ~oor~: pr~~sidimg. On roll call, Counoilm~n Noazo, Poo~~l~, Gibson a~d Philliga r~port~d pr.sont, Rrisco, abssnt. Unapprov~d minut os r~ad and appron~d as r~~d. A aommunieation from R. E. Eastorr., in r~gard to ths " In~~etors Symdicdt~, wSe rteed by th• Cl~rk, and th• Clsrk a~s instructod to prtpar• thrN copi~s, oi th• lattfr and har• sam~ sign~d by ths „apor, and mail to Mr. Ea~to~o. A bill in tht eum of ~~.Oo again~t th~ ~sr~ral luald in favor of Q~car Fldridg~, ~as pssertd and ordtrsd paid. No furth~r bwin~~ss appsaring and on Motion th• m~~t ing was ad journ~d.• i ~ d „ y •r ' Att~st, Mayor. x'