Minutes 1935-01-16 ' . / ~ F~~'~'I ~ ~ Arroyo Grands, CaliPornia, > January 16, 1936. City Council mt~ in r~gular s-~ssion' with Mayor J. l~.~oo~r• prssiding. On roll ~all Co~uneilmsn ~~loor~, PoQl~,, 3ib~on and Phillips r~portsd pr~s~rrt, Arisco at~s~nt. . Thlappro~~d minutss rsad and appro~nd as r~stt°. ~!ra. Fr~d ~on~a app~arsd b~tor• th~ Couaicil and di+~cuss~d~,with th• ^otmail ths sub~~ct of drainag• and $~aw~rs , in th• Jonss SubdiTirion, also Mr. 1~cCir*gor of 3anta Maria, disaus~~d th• S~w~r probltm cor~troAtirrg th• n~w Elsmsa~tsry 8vhool, . pills against th• Wat~r fva~d in th~ s~n of ~18. p0 w~r alla~?~d and ord~r~d paid. . No furth~r busin~sr appsaring and on Mot io~c t~i• m~~ting wa~ ad~ourn~d. . ~ y •T . Att~st, Ur~.r~ Xrr~.~ayo~.