Minutes 1935-03-06 V~V . ~ y ~ ~ ~ ~ arropo Grande, ~~arah 6th, 1A35. City Co~cil met in regular eeeeion'with a~ayar J. W. 3~ovre preeidirrg. Oa roli aail,. Councilmen ~ovre, Poat].e, t~ibAOa - and Phill~ipe reported preeerr~, Rrieco abeent'. Unapprov~d minutea read dnd approved aa ~read~+ ~ Com~. from H. K. Caee, aith a propoeitioa to sell a sscond haud engine. Ai1Te aga3hat the Gerre~ral iund in the simm of• (197p.a0) .~67g.g8, and the water tu~d 3n the aum of ~l~z9!!z On Mo~tion the bille Were a1T~!?ed anr~ ardered paids /Cltred Rt~eme~r dnd G. F. DixeoYr, repre,~vnting pu~p Com~pr~iea were pre~t with eetimatae. Maved eeccmded and carried thgt the Phorre be~ ' rea~a~red fro~ the C,> ~i. Arench residerrce. ldoved arnd eeccErni~ d tY,at the office of Ch1ef o! Police ~ie suepended, the same to ~ake eifeet oa Apiil ist, 1936, brotion carried. ~o~ed dnd eeconded thdt wa pay off' the indebeted-- nes+~ ta the Sarr~a l~aria Gaa Comparny, aaicum~irrg ta ~1761.6Q, the ~~'o~t iorr ara-a oarried. . W. S. Wa~meley pree~ented a proponeitior~ tcr 3rnstail a meR deeg well pwnp. Clerk irtetructed to aek 1~r. Feeler'the add~ees~ of the conoera~ that had the eecond harrd F?uda Er~gine. , l~o iurther bue ine es appenriirg a~id oa ~r!t!rt 30n the meetirrg w~e sd~QUrned to ths os11 oi tne ~ayar. ~~~/1 . y er : ~ttest,~~vu6_/!~!'A'~'r, ltayor. 1Crroyo Crande, Calif. Maroh I2th, 19a5, City CoLUrcil met on the call o! the ~tayor, with ~tapor W. Moore preeiding. Mr. l~aore ~tated i~at ob~~et af ~he r~cet3x~,a wae to award the aontract for the~~tallat ior~ oi a pumping tmit,, or the building ove tlaa Layne and ~o~lex pu~p now in 1n~13 Xo.~ and ae it appeared that Roemer a~d RQSmer were th'e lowest: t~rl.dder~„ it wse moved nnd aeooaded that the CoYrtraot ~e awarded ~t~ Raemer am! Roamer. the a~otion waa carried by ths fel]'~rirrg v~e, Ayee, ffbunoilmen:~ Moore,. Poe~le,. ail~eon FhilTipns euzd Arit~, Noes,, l~orre amd ak~eent,, aane, Th~ C1erk wae inatruated to~ notity the Roe~r P_~oth~~Q•. No further buainese- ~ppearing the meeti~ag wa~s ad jc?ur ed. Atteat~~f~ ~VI%t~"rY~, v y er , , l~ay or.