Minutes 1935-03-20 $1 Arroyo C,rande, California, ~arch 30th, 1838. City Council r.:et in regular aerseion With Mayor Webb t~ovre preeidirrg. On rvll' call ,^,o~ailmen 3~oore, Poale, ^~ib~an and Phillipe reported pre~emt, Rrieco, abaent. , ttnapproved minurea rea~d and approved a~ read. , The pump queation wae dieeuaffied at aome lcngth and it mae decided to pap the ^ontr~etore caeh in the ~um of five hundred dollara and the balanee within a p.~riod of i one year, and the ^lerk ~~e in~etrueted to notify l~~r.. Roemer to that e~feet. No further bueinese~ apgearing and ozz , , ~~ot ion th e meet ing waa ad~ ourn~ed.. ~ , ^ y erk. Atteet,~~b ~ayor.