Minutes 1935-04-17 83 Arroyo ~rande,, Califarnia, April 17,, 1935.. ~ • Citq Counoil met in regular seeeion~ with '.~ayor J. Moere pree idirrg. . On ro11 ca11 ^ouncilmen, Moare,_Bocrle • and Gibeon reported preeei~'~; "Coutibilman Phillipe an3 Frieaa~, s?~sen~.. . ~nap~rcved m in ut e e re ad and app roved ae read. A ec~mnunioatiorr waa reoeived from Gaa~. R. Cleaver, a~king a reduatifln in the valua- r tion of hie Improvements. . • Communiaatione wae reeeived from Louie H. Rurke, repreeenting the California Munioi- pal Rulletin, in regar~ to the publie Utility tax problem. • No further buaineee appearin~g arni or~ ~.~otion the neeting wa~e ad~ourned. , y~~~. Atteet,~~~-~~c.~~~ayor. ~ ' ~