Minutes 1935-06-19 gg H ~ ~ . a' Arroyo arend~, CalilQ~~ ~ Juns 19th„ 19~. Cit~ Qa~oil ,met in r~gulsr r~ssian wity ~tayor J• T. Voar~, Pr~+riding. ' Oa roll oail, Counoilmsm Ybo9c~,, P~o~ls ' a~d Qibson r~poart~d pr~srat~ Cov~?oiTaqm . Ph ill tp~ au~d pr is oo,~ ab!~~. t~aspRr~d minut~r rsad and ap~rav~d as r~ad. ~ • ~ Yr» F. L•~ Lumley `of th• G. C. C. Camp ~ 's~pearsd belor• th• Cvv~oil aad mad~ app~iaatiom to er~ct a~i~ at or a~ar th~ T~str-sid~ t3araq+, th• se qus~t ~rae ~ ~rantsd sub e~~h~ aotiom oi th~ Higl~- wa~r coom~3is~~ ~ Bo fnrthsr bus3a~es~apgear g and ca ~to~Eion tA• mset in,g ~ sd o. ~ ~ • ~z~'" ~ ~ a? . fitlt+t~t,1/~~ %~v+'Fr. Ysy?Ot~• ~w~r.~ ~~~r~~~~~~~~.~ ~~w.~...~ t ~rroyQ araa~s, Caliioraia, . July S, 19~ir. - Citp Counoil ffi~t ia regular s~~ioam with Ysyor, J. Yoo~e pr~aisi~tg, On racll oall, Cout~oilms~ Yoor~e j t~~,baoon, an~ Ph iili~s rsported pre~snt, Counoila~en Poa1• and Ari~oo, sbsent. t'1~approved minutes rea~d sad appro~d as reed. ~5 ~5~~1s agsinst th• ~earral lund i~ tb• s~t ot , and ths ~a~er !'u~ad ix? the sum ot ~'~'7d~. ~Q ~wer~ read by the Clert, eutd on ltotioPn was a~~e?rsd pa l~o lurthsr business appearing, aaod on Yatioa th• meet ins wa~ ad joura~. y l sTTc`• Att~st„~'~-U`b s yo~.