Minutes 1935-08-12 91 . ArroTQ t3rande p~lii~ria, Aug,x~rt ~.9E6, City ~Cou~oil nrst a• a Aoard o! Equalis+~~tto~ ~t I~ Oolovr A. lt. arrd as tnar~ wsb aa~ a~uoruti+ ~r~~, ths City Cl~s~c 4d~ownmd the ine~tit~g ta Aug• 3~4„ at 8 Qolo~ P. Y. ~%~r~..~~~~'~- ~ y " ' _ # August 14, 193b~ CYty Couacil -m~~ pur~wm~ to ad~ourmni~c#,, with Majror J. ltoar~,, pza~iRlings On ro11 oa11, Couacilm~n Yo~e PoQle a~d pri~vo r~ported pr~+s~nt, Gitison aad Phill~ige ~abre~, ~ 3tr. 'C~mpbslT and A. ~i• ~oad„ appr~arsd aad uk~4 to ~avr the ir valwt ion reduoed,. amd oac~ i~ , smd oo~erisou with othsr ~res~~a~sa#s, tbe ~alu~at3o~aa , • w~s n~t r~uo~~. ' ~ Fo further busias'ss app~aring the aa~"t~ ~ras ~d~ourn~d to Aug. T6, at 6 Oclo~o~ P• Y• _ ~ ~ ~~,_~.__~__y---e~ ~ August 16, 193b, Cit~ Cotas~il mst pursuair.t to ad~ovl~t~sn~ , witi~ ltaror 1f. Yoore prs~d. i:rg. ~ Om solr odll, Coimodilaem Moatr~,, Poarl~ and P.ri~oo r~rpart~d pr~~nt,. Covncils~m Qib~on and Ph~.12~3~, u~1~nt. Th• Aoard oom~i.awsd to examiamr th~ taz ~so~.~ls and as thers was aQ turth~r oos~aiaint• th~ Aoard procssded to iis the tu rat~, aad on YQtion a! po~,le seoondsd br A~isoac, t h~ t u rat ~ wsr ! iz~d a~ larl Ta~ws; t o-~i~: GsYrsra2 l1~ud ~.86 B~wer bo~d tt~a~, bond tund,, ~.~fi- aad to tak~ up w~ 8~s~i? ` Aes~ssen~u~t• ~.10 makiag a total a~ ~1:80 os ~Wa ~1tl~• o! valua~iom po iurthsr bw~ia~`i~ aPpsa=isa a~td 4a~ ~ ltotioa th~ me~ing was ad~owes~r ~ i ~ ~ e • Attmst ~ ~-a'?~ Ysyor. 8ee pags 97,minute• o~ ~ovember 6,1936 !er correotion. . ~