Minutes 1935-11-20 98 y Arroyo Grande~California. ~ November 20~ 1935. a,,, City Council met in regular session with Mayor Moore presiding. ' On roll call Councilmen Moore~Phillips~Gibson and Poole reported'present~Councilman Brisco came in later. ~ The minutes o~ the preveious meeting were read~and approved as read.~I.A.Fitzgerald presented an Ordinance and notice of Special Election~to be held Jan.7th~1936. Ordinance #51. AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION AlYD SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRAI~TDE THE ~ITESTION ~1S TO WHETHER THE CITY CLERK OF SAID CITY SHALL HEREAFTER BE AF~POINTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND~PROVIDING FOR 2HE HOLDING OF SUCH ELECTION. The City Couneil of Arroyo Grande does ordain as followes Section l.~ Special Municipal Election is hereby called to be held in the City of Arroyo Grande~State of California~on- Tuesday~the ?th.day of Jan~ar 1936 Por the to the y> > Pul'Poae of submitting qualified electors of eaid ~ity the question a$ to whether : s~; the City Clerk oP said City shall hereafter be appointed by the ~ C i t y Counc i l o f sa i d C ity of Arroyo Grande~instead of being elected as now provided by law. Section 2.The ques~ion_so;submitted shall be printed on the ballots used at aueh election subatantially as Pqllows: Shall the City Council hereafter ' , YES appoint the City Clerk oP the ~ NO City of Arroyo t3rande Secetion 3.For the purpose oP holding and conduc~ing said • election there shall be but one voting prec~nct~which preciAat shall consist of a consol3dation vf Arroyo Grande No.l Election Precinct~and Arroyo Grand~ No.2 Election Precinct as said . ~ precinets have been hereto~ore and now are establiehed by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Lu~s,Obispo Por the holding and conducting of state and,county elections~and which coneolidated electionprecinct shall be and hereby is desig~tated as "Consol~dated Voting Precinet 'A'"~and ehallinclude all ot'~ and be inclnded within~the corporate boundaries of the City ot Arroyo Grande. , Section 4.The voting place Por said Conaolidated Voting Precinet 'A' is hereby fixed at and ahall be located at the City Hall in said City. ~ Section S.The following named persons~being competent ar~d qualified electors $nd residents oP eaid City and of said consolidated voting precinct~are hereby appointed ae election~ officers for the holdi,ng and Gor~ducting of said election~namelys INSPEC~OR Myrtle Bailey. ' Judge H.E.Cox _ _CLERKS . Eci~na M.Schilling & ~ta,e C . Ketehum. Section 6.~he polls oP said election shall be open between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M.and ?:00 o`clock P.M.excep~ as otherwise provided by law. . Section ?.In all particulars not otherwise provided in this ordinance~said election shall be held and eonducted in the manner provided for the holding and conducting municipal elections in eaid City and in aceordance with the laws of the State of California applicable thereto. Section8.This ordinance after its passage and approvallshall be published once in the Arroyo Grande Herald_Recorder~s a~eekly newspaper of general circulation and published in said City~an8 being an ordinance calling an election shall take effect and be ia force from and after its passage and publication. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Arroyo Grande this 20th.day of November~1935.by'the following ~ote: AYES.Councilmen Moore~Briseo~Phillipa~Gibson and Poole. NOES.None ~ ABSTNT.None. ~~1~--~ . ~~yOT• . V t! ATTEST: B.F.Stewart. City Clerk By ~ beputy City Clerk. Approved and signed by me this 20th.day of November~1935 NOTICE OF ELECTION. Mayor. NOTICE Ia HEREBY GIVEN that a. special municipal election will be held in the City of Arroyo Grande~of County of San Luis Obispo~ State of California on Tuesday~the ?th.day of January~1936.for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said City the question as to whether the City Clerk of said City shall hereafter be appointed by the City Council of said ~ity of ' Arroyo Grande~instead of being elected as now provided by law. The question so submitted shall be printed on the ballots to Ue used at said election substantially as follows: Shall the City Council hereafter YES . appoint the City Clerk of the N0. City of Arr.oyo Grande. _ For the purpose of holding and conducting said election there shall be one voting precinct to consist of a consolidation of arroyo Grande Precinc-ts No.l and No.2~as last established by tle the Board of Su~aervisors of the County of San Luis Obisno~which orecinct shall be knotivn as Cnnsolidated Votin~ Precinet "~"~and shall include all of,and be included tivithin~the cor;?orate` boundaries of the City of Arroyo Grande. The voting place for s~id Consolidated Voting Precinct "A" is fixed and shal7. be located at the City Hall~in said City. The following named persons have been duly appointed as election~officers for the holding and conducting of said election~namely: IPJSP.~CTOR Tviyrtle Bailey. JUDGE H.E.Cpx. CL~RKS Edna T~i.Schilling and ~iae.C.Ketchum. The polls at said election jvill be open betvreen the hours oi' 8:00 ~.r~l.and 7:00 o'clock P.NT.~except as otherwise provided by la~~v. In all ~~.rticulars not othervTise recited in the Ordinance calling such election~such election shall be held and conducted in the mann~r provided for tYze holding and conducting of municipal elections in said City and in accordance ~vith the laws of -the State of California apnlicable thereto. Dated tnis 20th.day of November~1935. B.F.Steti^~art. City Clerk. . By_ ~~t~~ Deputy Clerk. The clerk ~~ras instructed to publish the Ordinance in the Herald-Recorder of Nove;nber 22nd.1935 and to publish the Notice of Election in the same ne~vspaper on December 6th.and 13th~1935. '~lso instructed to order election sw,_~olies from y.Carlisle & Co. The clerk was instructed to rent a Post Office Box in the mame of the City o£ Arroyo Crande. 1~ warrant aga.inst t~ie General Fund for ~75.00 in favor of E.K.Stevrart~for salary for Dctober 1935~v~as a,~proved and ordered p~,i~. There being no further business to come before the Council~ on motion the meeting ti~~ras adjourned. B.F.Stewart. City Clerk. F3y ~ ~A~~~r ^ ~ Deputy ~ ~test , T~:ay or .