Minutes 1936-01-03 V~ 1~ - ~--3 ~ Arroyo Grande~Calif. ~ January 3~1936. The City Council met in regular sesaion~postponed from January 1~1936~with Mayor ~doore presiding. On roll ca11 Councilmen Moore~Brisco~Phillips and poole reported present~Councilman Qfbsan~absent. A communication fro~n ~Ionroe Dunlap.Miasion~Texas regarding water uaed on Thos.M,Dunlap~deceased~premises~was read and clerk instructed to inform him that no rePund oP money paid by Bank oP America~Sar~ta Monica Branch tor water consumed to-Navemb~r 1935~would be made.And that no charge for water con$umed during November 1935 would be made~water turned off,closing the account. A communication from the League oP California Municipalities was read~and the clerk instrueted to advi~e ~ ~ them~that oweing to circumstances the City of Arroyo Grande would discontinue their membership therein. A coramunication from the State Compensation Insurance Fund was read and filed. The clerk was instrueted to have E.C.Loomis & Son write a Blanket Fublic Liability and•Property•Damage insurance policy,covering all vehicles~fire apparatue and road equipment owned by the City of Arroyo Grande~sub~ect to the approval of the City Attorney ~d.A.Fitzgerald. Bills against the aeneral Fund~in ~he amount oP Five Hundred Eighty Seven.65/100 ($58?.65) and against the Water Fund in the amount of One Hundred Thirty I~ine.44/100 (~139.44) were audited~approved and ordered paid. Warrant #?.for 1924 Sewer Bond Coupons #22 amount Five Hundred.00/100 Dollars ($500.00) and '~arrant #10 Por 1924 Sewer Bond $11 amount One Thoueand.00/100 Dollars ($1000.00) due December 31~1935 and paid on that date~were approved. Warrant #8 for 1923 Bridge-Bond Coupone #25 amount Two Hundred Sixty Four.00/100 Dollars ($264.00) due Jan.1~1936 and ~'arrant #9 for 1929 Improveraent Bond Coupone #ll~amount Four Hundred Ferty Nine.00/100 Dollare ($449.00) due Jan.2~1936 both paid on January 2~1936 ~ere also approved. An ominiseion in the minutes of the regular meeting oP the City Council on December 18~1935. B.E.Ewing wae instructed to file a bid of One Hundred Twenty Five.?5/100 Doll.ars ($]2 5.75) with the Department of public '~Norka~Diuision of Highwsys~Por an Adams 7 ft.Road ~rader eFiC 35?. There being no ~'urther busineea to come bePore the Council~ on motion, the meeting v~as ad~ourried. B.F.Stewart. City Clerk ~ by Attest i~~t~~ cJ;~iZ~-~.3'~c Deputy. ~}I01` .