Minutes 1936-01-15 105 Arroyo Grande~California. JanuarY 15,Z936• The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Bdoore presiding. f)n roll call Councilmen Moore~Phillips~Gibson~ and Poole reported present,Councilman Brisco came in later. A communication from M.A.Fi~,zgerald regarding the application of the PaciPic.Telephone & Telegraph Co. to the Railr.oad Commission of the State of California,for a revision in rates charged~was ordered filed. The clerk was instructed to answer communieations f"rom the Department of Social Welfare,County of San Luis Obispo,the Federal Housing Administration,Washington~D.C. and the Unemployment Reserves Commission~Sacramento~Calif. section 3366 of the Political Code was read by the clerk,and he was instructed to license all individuals~ firms and corporations which are liable to same,under said Section 3366,and who are not already paying a Municipal Lic ens e . Irwin T.Bailey was appointed to act as night Chief of Fire Department,with a salary of Five Dollars , ($5.00) monthly. H.G.McNeil was appointed to act as day Assistant Fire Chief at Five Dollars ($5.00) per call. B.E.Ewing was instructed to discuss the question of salary with F.H.Whi.te as Night Patrol. Bills against the General Fund in the amount oP Two Hundred Twenty Six.57/100 Dollars ($226.57) and the ~/ater Fund in the amount of Forty Eight.55/l00 Dollars (~48.55) were audited,approved and ordered paid. There being no further business to come before the Council~on motion the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Srewart. Attest: City Clerk. ~lN'~~$ _ " gY ~Y- Mayor. Deputy Clerk.