Minutes 1936-02-05 10;~ y FebruarY 5s~-93~• ~ The Gity Council met in regular session with ~ 1~ayor ~oore presiding. ~n roll ea11 Councilmen Moore~Brisco~Phillips~Gibaon and Poole reported presentrnoae abser~t. The minutes of the preveious meeting were read and ~~proved as read. A Project Statement and.Report of apportionment of the cent Gas Ta.~c allocation~submitted by the Division oP Highways was read~and after discuasion were accepted. A communication from M.A.Fitzgerald recommendin,g , accepta~ce of Blanket Public Liability insurance policy on all City owned vehicle~~fire apparatus ~nd road equipmer~t~was read and policy accepted. Communieations from the Department of Social WelPare~ San Luis Obispo County~and the Corcoran News were read~and the clerk instructed to reply to same. Fred Norton rras appointed as ChieP oP Fire Department with a salary of Five Dollars ($5.00) monthly~and ~eputy G'hieP of Po~ice with a salary of Seventy Dollars (~70.00) per month. The clerk was instructed to notify Ir~in T.Bailey and H.G.McNeil of their release ~rom duty in the Fire Department. Chief of Police Er~ri~g was authorized to purchase twc Gaa Pens and sundry items to be used in connection with police department duties. B.E.Ewing reported Frank White as unwilling ~o acc~pt the offer of pay as night patrol~and having accepted his resignation. Bills against the General Fund in the amount of Five Hundred ~eventy Five.86/100 Dollars (~575.86) and against the '~later Fund in the amount oP Three Hundred Eighty Five.91/100 Dollar~ ($385•91) were audited~approved and ordered paid. There beir~g no flirther business to come before the Council~o~a motion the meeting was adjourned. B.F.Stewart. Attest: City Clerk. , by ~'~.c~t.`~C • Mayor. Deputy Clerk. ~,~R~„TION. Bills against General Fund ahould read Six ~undred Four.85/l00 (~604.85) not ~5?5.86 as above.Error made through omitting bill of W.S.Darley & Co.for $28.99 Police Dept.Supplies. • ~~-e:.u-a~C • Deputy Clerk.