Minutes 1936-04-01 112 ~ Arroyo Grande~CaliPornia. C~7 April 1,1936. a" The City Councii met in regular session with Ntayor ~oore ~ presiding.B.F.Stewart~Ci.ty Clerk also attended the meeti~g. On roll call Councilmen Ddoore~Brisco~Phillips~Gibson and Poole reported present.Absent none. ~ been There having/numerous eomp.laints registered with the Police Department regardin~ disturbances on the street~s on nights • that public dances were being held at Clevengers Hall~a eomittee headed by Henry L.Clever~ger,representir~g the dance management came before the Council to diseuss their side of the matter.Aft~r having individually submitted their arguments~the Council ad~vised them that no fimmediate action would be taken,but that the matter ~ou1+d b~ ' taken under advisement~and so dismissed the committe. Yrs.H.D.Hart appeared before the Council to obtain permission to shoot destructive birds on her property~with a 410 guage shot gua~. On motion of Councilman Poole~seeonded by Couneilman Gibson~ ~ motion carri.ed~permission was granted~and the Clerk was instructed to draft such a permit to be signed by ~drs.Aart,and a copy of same to be placed on file in the office of the City Clerk. ; Comunications from the Railroad Commission and the n Contractors State License Board were read~and the Clerk ordered to ~ reply to same. , ; On motion of Councilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman • Gibson~motion carried,the Clerk was instructed to contact Harry A. True~d.ale~San Luis Obispo~and order an audit of the City books~ together writh an audit oP the books of the Water Department~ta p date of April 21~193b. ~ , B~ayor Moore tendered his resignation as Mayor and member of the City Council to become ePPective immed~ately.After some diseussion it was moved by Couneilman Phillips~seconded by Councflman ~ Gibson~motion carried~to accept his resignation. BePore leaving ~6r.Moore in a few words expressed his appreceiation oP the friendly feeling and cooperation of all the members of the Council during his past years of filling the chair ; o P the l~ay or . + It was next in order to elect a successor to the office ~ oP Mayor.On motion of Councilman Phillips,seconded by Councilman " Gibson~iN.C.Poole was nominated and unanimously eleeted as ~ayor~to = serve the unexpired term of the present Council. ; ; Bills against the General Fund for $833•23~the Water Fund for $574.87 and 19~9 Water Bond interest for ~i575.(70,were audited, ~ approved and ordered paid. ~ ~n motion of Councilman Phillips~seeonded by Councilman Gibson~motion carried~the meeting was adjourned to Wednesday April $th.~936,at 7:00 P.~d.for the purpose of appointing a new ? member to the City Council~to serve the unexpired portion oP the term of ofFice vacated by Mr.~oore. t B.F.3tewart. ~ City Clerk. ATTEST: ' ~ayor. ~ By ~-c~c.,~' . Deputy City Clerk. ~ f k ~ ~ p ~ P ~