R 2327 ~._-.._.__._._---,...~.."-- 1Z8'.' " J RESOLUTION NO. .1J2L_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH THE ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION, WHICH CONTAINS A POSITION CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE AND . STEP SCHEDULES FOR 1989-90 AND 1990-91, AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 1963 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, this City Council deems it to be In the best Interest of the City of Arroyo Grande and Its police officers that minimum and maximum compensation be fixed for various Police Department positions and that other benefits be established, as hereinafter provided. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the various'articles of the previous _ Memorandwn ot Understanding, ending June 30, 1989, shall be continued, with the following changes and additions as noted In the 1989/90 and 1990/91 Memorandwn of Understanding. Terms contained within such Memorandum ot Understanding, and the repeal 01 Resolution No. 1963, are effective July I, 1989. On motion 01 Council Member -lJmi~__, seconded by Council Member .91~~_-,-_, and on the following roll call vote, to wit: ,,_ AYES: Council Members Smith, Olsen Dougall, Moots and Mayor Millis NOES: None ABSENT None the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted this 18th day of JUly, 1989. ~J~). J~ M^~~~ ' , APPROVED AS TO FORM: I I, NANCY A. DAVIS, City Clerk of the City of Arroyo Grande, ColU1ty of San Luis Obispo, State of california, do hereby certify under penalty of perjUry that the foregoing Resolution No. 2327 is a true, full and correct copy of said Resolution passed and adopted at a regular meeting of said Council on the 18th day of July, 1989. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of the City of Arroyo Grande affixed this 20th day of July, 1989. 7:kt1~~ fl. ~ CITY ___..____ _ _ __, _m.._~__._..__.__..__._ _.~.____~___...____.__ . __.~___._.,__ ""'- .- -- ~,. -~-_.._...'" _..._--_..._~--_.,..-...,,-~--- C!.ltyof c:If~~oyo g~andg Phone 805-489-1303 214 East Branch Slrest P. O. Box 560 Arroyo Grande. CA 93420 ~~ ... 1989/90 .& 1990/91 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERST ANDING Between ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION and CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 1989/90 AND 1990/91 A.G.P.O.A. / CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING . TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE .sUBJECT PAGE 1. Terms of M.O.U. 1 2. Salary Schedules 1 3. Application of Salary Steps 1 4. Advancement in Pay 2 5. Medical Inswance Premiums 2 6. Vacation Leave 2 7. Holiday Leave 3 8. Sick Leave 4 9. Bereavement Leave 4 10. Family Leave 4 11. Military Leave 4 12. Educational Pay 4 13. Medical Leave 5 14. Emergency Leave 5 15. Jwy Duty 5 16. Hours of Work and Overtime 5 17. Call Back Pay 5 18. Uniform and Equipment Allowance 6 19. Paychecks 6 20. Payroll Deductions 6 21. Anniversary Dates 6 22. Use of Private Vehicle/Mileage Rate 6 23. Personnel Files 6 24. Probationary Period 7 25. Resignation 7 26. Transfers 7 27. Promotion 7 28. Temporary Promotions 8 29. Demotion 8 30. Layoff 8 31. Grievance Procedare 8 32. Management Rights 10 33. Physical Examinations 11 34. Education 11 35. Night Differential: Pay 11 36. Standby Status 11 37. Association Activities 11 38. Association Access to Work Locations 12 39. Association Use of City Facilities . 12 40. Association Meet and Confer Representatioo 12 41. No Strike/No Lockout 12 42. Non-discriminatioo 12 43. Outside Employment 13 44. Retirement 13 45. Retirement Benefits 13 46. CommWlity Service Officer Position 13 47. Hourly Rate Adjustments/Non-Sworn Part-Time 13 48. Dental Plan ' . 13 49. M. O. U. Implementatioo 14 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AND THE ARROYO GRANDE POLICE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION ARTICLE 1. TERM OF MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING . . . . . ... The tenn of the Merooranchm of Understanding shall be from July 1, 1989, through June 30, 1991 (1\\0 years). Meeting and conferring for 1991/92 shall conmence no later than April 15, 1991. ARTICLE 2. SALARY SCHEDULES . . The aty and the Police Association agree that all pcmtion classifications represented by the ~iation, as listed below, shall receive salaries, as represented in the attached Exhibits IIAII, "B", IIC" and "DII, for the years 1989/90 and 1990/91 respectively. SCHEDULE OF SWORN POLICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGFS, (Exhibits IIA" and . - IIC") QI,ASSIFICAIlQHS. ~ARX RAHOg Lieutenant 38 Police Sergeant 34 Investigator 31 Police Officer I 30 Police Officer II 27 SCHEDULE OF NON-SWORN POLICE CLASSIFICATIONS AND SALARY RANGES, (Exhibits "B" . . . - . . and "D") CamlJnity Service Officer 20 Dispatcher 12 Cerk Typist II 14 Police Cadet 11 ARTICLE 3. APPLICATION OF SALARY STEPS All ent>loyees enter~ the pennanent, full-time ernp1oyof the aty shall be paid at the first step of the salary rarge, unless otherwise detennined by the QUef of Police and aty Manager, established for his/her pasition cIBssification. Salary step increases, as provided herein, are not autanatic but are based on perfonnance and merit. F)np1oyees shall be placed on the step designated by the aty Manager for initial full-time pennanent employment and qualify for increase in corq>emation or advancement to the next higher step of his/her salary rqe in the following manner: Non-swom PoUce employees may quality tor advancement to the second, or next step, after cc:xq>letion ot six rmntbl service, upon the recoomendation ot the Police CUet and approval of the aty Manager. For swom police officers, a one year period of service Is required. FJq>loyees may qualify for advancement to the third or next step, after the canp1etion of one year of service in his/her second step, upon reconmendation of the Police Odef and approval by the , City Manager. AGPOA MOU 1989/9D-1990/91 1 Employees may qualify for advancement to the fourth, or next step, alter the con:pletion of one year of service at his/her third step, upon recoomendation of the Police Orlef and approval by the City Manager. Fmployees rmy qualify for advancement to the fifth or next step, after completion of one year of service in his/her fourth step, upon reccmnendation of the Police chief and approval by the City Manager. A pertOM1'l9J1ce report on each eI'J1)loyee recomnended for advancement sholl be submitted to the City Manager by the Pollee OUet prior to final action on such reccmnendation. ARTICLE 4. ADV ANCEMENT IN PAY The salary range as set fo~th for each classification is divided into five (5) steps, which shall be interpreted and applied as follows: A. The first step is the mininun rate and nonnally shall be the hiring rate. B. The second step is granted to employees who are eligible for this adjt5tment after corrpletion of six (6) or twelve (12) (depend~ upon smm stBtm) full calendar m:>nths of satisfactory service in a clsssification and not prior to the caTlpletion of a probationary period. The adjustment shall be rmde only if granted by the Police Orief and subject. to the approval of the City Manager. C. The third step shall be granted to an employee who has given satisfactory service in a given classification for one (1) full additional year from granti~ of previous step increase, only if granted by the Police QUef and subject to the approval of the City Manager. D. The fourth step shall be granted to an errployee who has given satisfactory service for one (1) full additional year by the Police QUef and with the approval of the City Manager. E. The fifth step shall be granted to an employee who has given satisfactory service for one (1) full additional year by the Police QUef and with the approval of the City Manager. An errployee must always continue to rmintain an acceptable level of perfonmnce and shall be evaluated by the Police QUef annually. ARTICLE 5. MEDICAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS The City shall pay the rronthly medical plsn insurance premiwrs for each employee and all of his/her eligible dependents participating in the medical plans available to the City, up to the Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan CQI1t)OSlte rate level &9SESSed by the insurer. ARTICLE 6. VACATION LEAVE A. The purpose of annual vacation leave is to enable each eligible employee to annually return to his/her work mentally and physically refreshed. Fmployees shall take a minfmum of ten (10) vacation days' leave per year after the fll'St year of service. B. Each eligible errployee shall be required to have served the equivalent of one year of AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 2 continuous service with the Oty in order to be eligible for his/her full annual vacation leave. However, in the event an employee so chooses, she/he may, after six continuo15 rrontm of service, take vacation leave not to exceed five (5) \Wr~ days with his/her supervisor's approval. C. Frnployees who tem1inate employment shall be paid at tennination and upon return of all Cty-owned property, it any, a 1\.l1lP sum for aU accrued vacation leave earned prior to the date of termination. D. Vacation leave with pay shall be eamed in accordance with the following schedule: I yr. 10 days 6.6'1 hrs. per JIV).- 2 12 8.00. 3 13 8.6'1 4 14 9.34 5 15 10.00 6 15 10.00 '1 16 10.67 8 16 10.6'1 9 1'1 11.34 10 17 11.34 11 18 12.00 12 18 12.00 13 19 12.6'1 14 19 12.67 15 20 13.34 E. Fmp10yees may accrue vacation leave up to the maximum hours listed below, dependent upon years of service as a regular full-time employee: Years of Service Maxinun Vacation Hours Which . On January 1st Can be Accrued on January 1st 1 - 5 80 5+ - 10 120 10+ - 15 160 15+ 200 F. In the event an errployee's accrued vacation leave exceeds the maxfnun allowable in Paragraph E, the employee shall be paid at his/her January 1st hourly wage rate for those hours accrued in excess of the maxinun allowable.. Exception to this paragraph may be approved by the Police QUef and Oty Manager upon employee request. ARTICLE 7. HOLIDAY LEAVE A. ~yees will be provided one day's pay per month in lieu of holiday leave or shall be . . granted one day pet calendar month tor a haUdsy. SUCh smnth1y ho11dsy sha11 be derdgnated on the en-ployee's work schedule. B. Fmp10yees shall a]so receive an additional one aOO one-half (1-1/2) days leave per year, which may be granted as time off or ~ straight-time pay durirg December. AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 3 ARTICLE 8. SICK LEAVE All full-time, pennanent errployees shall accrue one (1) \\Or~ day of sIck leave with pay for each rronth of service with unlimited aCCUl11Jlation. Upon retirement, an employee may choose to be paid tor 5096 of unused sick leave to a maxfrrun of 360 hours at his/her CUlTE!nt rate or pay. On December 1st of each year, an enployee h8s the option or be~ paid straight time tor 25% of his/her mused sick leave for the prec~ twelve rronth:l, transt'erril1t the 25% credit to vacation or leavil1t the 25% credit in sick leave. ARTICLE 9. BEREA VEMENT LEAVE A three (3) day leave with pay shall be avallable to erI1>loyees who sufter the death of a relative (defined as: spotse, parent, child, sister, brother, grandparent or grandchild, amt, uncle and the correspondi~ relative by maniage) for the purpose of attending the tuneral and maJd~ other arrangements at the time the lcm occurs.. This leave is not chargeable against aeemed sick leave. ARTICLE 10. FAMILY LEAVE An errployee may take sick leave if required to be away from the job, to personally care for a member of his/her Jnmedlate family as defined in Article 9, Bereavement Leave, subject to approval of the imnediate supervisor and the department head's verification of need. ARTICLE 11. MILITARY LEAVE Errt>loyees taking military leave with the National Guard or Reserves shall be entitled to full Cty pay and benefits as required by State statute. All Military Leave in excess of thirty (30) days per year, if granted by the aty, shall be without Oty payor aty-paid benefits, and tor a period not to exceed forty-eight (48) world~ days per calendar year. The erI1>loyer may retain his/her aty benefits, such as medical imurance, by pa~ all premit11T5. The aty may elect to replace the errployee in his/her pa;ition in the event employee takes rrore than forty- eight (48) \\\)rkil1t days per calendar year. ARTICLE 12. EDUCATIONAL PAY A. Sworn officers may qualify for a two and one-half percent (2-1/2%) salary increase above their pa;ition cl8$ified range upon receipt of a two-year degree in a field relative to their police job cl8$ification, from an accredited Jt.mior College or College or Intennediate P.O.8.T. Certificate, upon approval of the Police Oliet and Oty Manager. B. Sworn officers may qualify tor a five percent (5%) salary inCrease above their position cla$ified r~e upon receipt of a four-year degree in a field relative to their police job classification from an accredited College or Advanced P.O.s.T. Certificate, upon approval of the Police OUef and aty Manager. C. Exceptions: When pa;ition classifications require an Associated Arts or Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Arts Degree, no educational pay shall be paid to an elTt>loyee holding such a AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 4 ~ition. No A.A. or B.A./BJ3. Degrees will be requested by the Cty for current positiom represented by A.O~.O.A. unless otherwise agreed through the meet and confer process. ARTICLE 13. MEDICAL LEAVE Medical leave without pay may be granted for the ~ of recovery from prolo~ed illness or injury or to restore health or for pregnancy, upon errployee's written request to the Police QUe! and Cty Manager, subject to suOO1ission of medical evidence satisfactory to estab~ the employee's medical need. ARTICLE 14. EMERGENCY LEAVE Emergency leav~ without pay may be granted to any permanent employee who, upon written request to the Police QUef and Cty Manager, dernomtrates that the leave is necessary for personal reasom beyond his/her control ex' will serve to improve his/her ability as an employee of the Cty. Emergency leaves may be granted up to a maxinun of one (1) year. Upon expiration of an approved Emergency Leave, the ~yee shall be reinstated in the pooition held at the time leave was granted. Failure on the part of the employee on leave to report prarptly upon leave expiration shall be catBe for discharge. ARTICLE 15. JURY DUTY Flq:OOyees shall be granted leave with full pay and no loss in benefits when called for jury duty, if the employee remits to the Cty any and all jury fees for such jury duty. It is understood that the envIoyee may retain any travel pay granted by the court. The employee shall be responsible for notifying his/her supervisor as soon as pcssible upon recei~ notice to appear for jury duty, make every reasonable effort to keep his/her supervisor advised as to the anticipated length of service, and retum to work inmediately following the end of jury duty service. ARTICLE 16. HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME The nonnal wor~ schedule for full-time eq>loyees shall be eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. All authorized time worked In excess of forty (40) hours per week shall be ~nsated for at the rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the Employee's regular base hourly rate of pay. Time worked, for cooputation of overtime, shall include holidays, sick leave, bereavement leave and paid vacation and canpensatory time oft for purposes of this paragraph, and shall be calculated at a maxinun of eight (8) hours per day. Overtime shall be computed at the nearest quarter (1/4) hour. At the request of any enployee eligible for overtime pay, his/her supervisor will provide that, in lieu ot cesh payment for any overtime, he/she may have the choice of time off with pay at the rate ot one and one-half (1-1/2) hours tor each hour ot overtime worked. Qxnpensatory time off shall be taken at the option of the erq>loyee with the consent of the inmediate supervisor and Police QUef. ARTICLE 17. CALL BACK PAY Call back is defined as that circ\lJ19tance which requires an employee to unexpectedly return AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 5 to work after the errployee has left work at the end of the errployee's work day or work week. An employee called in early to start his/her work shift without prior reasonable notice will aJso receive time and one-half (1-1/2) overtime pay for all extra hours worked, with a minJrm.m call out of two (2) hours. ARTICLE 18. UNIFORM AND EQUIPMENT ALLOWANCE The Cty shall provide cash allowances ot $600 annually to the errployees required by the Police QUef to wear a unifonn selected by the Cty. One-halt ot such allowance shall be paid in July of each year for the period July through DecentIer of the same calendar year. The remafnlng halt of such allowance shall be provided by the Oty during January t~ the period January through June ot the same calendar year. Such allowances shall be 1.5ed by the errployee to initially purchase, replace, maintain, repair and clean all designated unifonn gannents, hats, C8~, shoes, leatherwear, ornamentation and inclement weather clot~. Upon detennination by the Police QUef, any employee required to wear a unitonn for the first time, ~ the tenn of this Memorandum of Understanding, may be advanced up to one year's allowance to initially purchase required unifonn iterm and unifonn incidentaJs. ARTICLE 19. PAYCHECKS The Oty wID pay regu1ar checks on a bi-weekly besJs. ARTICLE 20. PAYROLL DEDUCI'IONS Requests for c~es in and cancellations of Association dues shell be Pl'Ol'1l?tly processed by the Association and put into effect by the aty at the errployee's request. Deductions for dues shell be made twice monthly by the Oty and remitted to the Association monthly. Requests for deductions shall be made on aty-approved authorization cards. The Association agrees to indermify and hold the Cty hannless from any liabilities which may arise os a result of the application of this Article. ARTICLE 21. ANNIVERSARY DATES All current employee anniversary dates shall be as contained in the current Oty records. All employees hired after this date shall have an anniversary date the same as date of hire. ARTICLE 22. USE OF PRIVATE VEHICLE/MILEAGE RATE No worker shall be required as a condition of obtaining or continuing aty employment, to ~ or provide 8 private vehicle tor me in comection with his/her Oty errployment. The Oty shall reinburse employees at 8 rate of 25 (twenty-tive) cents per mile tor \.5e ot personal vehicles when such employees agree to such me upon stated request of the aty. Tramportation to and from work shall not be reimbursed. ARTICLE 23. PERSONNEL FILES An errployee or his designee may inspect his/her persomel me and obtain copies of any and ell item:; in that file at errployee expense. A copy of all materia1s placed in an employee's personnel file AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 6 shall be provided to the erJ{)loyee upon the employee's request. The employee may have placed in his/her personnel file any signed and dated statement of clarification or disagreement to any item or article contained within his/her persormel file. ARTICLE 24. PROBATIONARY PERIOD All appointments shall be tentative and subject to a probationary period of six (6) roonti6 for oon-swom elIi>loyees and twelve (12) roontm for sworn employees. The Police CUef, with consent of the City Manager, may extend the probationary period for specified cause(s) which shall be provided in moitirg to. the ent>loyee. The probationary period shall be regarded as a part of a continuirg testing process and shall be utilized for closely otse~ the enployee's work, for securing the omt effective adjtl<)tment of a new ~yee to his or her position and for rejectil1r any probationary employee whase perfonnance does not meet the required st:andar& of work. The Police CUef, with the consent of the City Manager, may release the probationary etq>loyee fran City elIi>loyment without cause at any time durirg the probationary period. ARTICLE 25. RESIGNATION An envloyee wishing to leave his/her errployment with the City in good standitg shall file with his/her supervisor a written resignation stating the effective date of his/her resignation and the reason for lea~. The resignirg individual shall rlIe such written resignation at least two (2) weeks in advance of the effective tenni.nation date and participate in an exit interview conducted by the City prior to i$uance of the final pay check. ARTICLE 26. TRANSFERS Transfer of an enployee to a pmition within the employee's current r~e shall not affect the employee's salary rate. Transfer of an errployee to a pantion within a higher range shall be considered a prcm:>tion. Transfer of an enployee to a lower range shall be considered a derootion. ARTICLE 27. PROMOTION Transfer of an ent>loyee to a higher range shall result in an increase in salary. The ent>loyee's salary shall be placed in the identical step in the higher range which the employee enjoyed in the cla$ fran which the elIi>loyee was prcm:>ted. Prarotion of an employee may be made by the Police QUef with the consent of the City Manager without testing or opening the position for consideration of all non-employees. All current erqdoyees shall be given consideration of all non-employees. All current etTt>loyees shall be given comideration for a position opening which will be filled by pramtion. An ent>loyee pramted to a new position shall serve a six-roonth probationary period in that position. The Police CUef, wi~ consent of the City Manager. may extend the probationary period for specified cause(s) which shall be provided the employee in writ~. In the event the pramted party is rerooved during the probationary period fl'OO1 the pmition to which praroted. the enployee shall not be AGPOA MOV 1989/90-1990/91 7 considered derooted, but shall be returned to the l'8J1Ie Iran which pranoted. No c~es in step shall occur as a result of an employee pessq the pramted position probe.tionary period. A PromJted mployee shall retain his or her armiversary date held prior to promotion. ARTICLE 28. TEMPORARY PROMOTIONS The Police alief may tE!llpOr8rfi.y prarote an errt>1oyee only after entering into a written agreement ot the tems of such terq;K)r&ry ~otion with the en-p1oyee. ARTICLE 29. DEMOTION Thansfer of an errployee to a lower class shsll result in reduction ot salary. The employee's salary shall be placed in the identical step in the lower class which the employee enjoyed in the cIsss fran which demotion was made. Demotion can be made for cause which shall be provided the employee, in writh11;, by the Police QUef prior to any action taking place. Demotion for disciplinary ressons may be appealed through the grievance procedure by the demoted errployee. Dem:>tion for other ressons is not appealable. ARTICLE 30. LAYOFF Whenever, in the ju~nt of the Oty, it becomes necESS81j' to make a reduction in force, whenever ~ible, said reduction shall be accanplished through attrition. Workers subject to a reduction in force shaD. be given at least thirty (30) working days' notice prior to the effective date of the lay orr. The Association shall receive concurrent notice, and may be granted an opportunity to meet and consult with the Oty to discuss proposed alternatives to a reduction in force. When one or more workers perfOl'll'Jirg in the same class in the Police Department are to face a reduction in force, the Police Otief and an A.G~.O.A.. representative shall conter on the ~is on which personnel shall be selected for layoff. If a laid off enployee's position, or a simi1ar pagition to which the City detennines the fonner employee is suited, becanes avaiJable, within nine (9) rnontm of layoff, said fonner employee shall be recalled. If the job in a lower clsssification beca11es avoi1sble and a tonner employee is qualified in the judgement ot the Oty, he/she may be rehired in the lower classification's position opening. ARTICLE 31. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Purpose: A. this grievance procedure shall be the exclusive process to resolve grievances as the tenn is defmed herein below. B. The purposes of this procedure are: 1. To resolve grievances intonnally at the lowest level. 2. To provide an orderly procedure for revi~ and resolving grievances pronptly. AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 8 Definitions: A. Grievance means a canp1aint by an employee concerning the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Agreement or of rules or regulations governing persomel practices or conditions which canp1aint has not been resolved satisfactorily in an infonnal manner between the employee and his/her inmediate supervisor~ B. As med in this procedtn'e, the tenn "inmediate supervisor" means the individual so designated by the Police QUet who assigm, reviews and directs the work of an employee. Time Limits: Each party involved in a grievance shall act quickly so that the grievance may be resolved prorrptly. Every effort should be made to complete action within the time limits contained in the grievance procedure, but with the written coment of all parties, the time limitation for any step may be extended. Step 1 The grievance initially shall be personally discu;sed between the employee and his/her irrmediate supervisor. Within seven (7) da~, the inmediate supervisor shall give his/her decision or response. Step 2 A. If the grievance is not infonnally resolved to U1e satm-action of the grievant in Step 1, a fonnal grievance may be initiated. A fonnal grievance rowt be initiated no later than: 1. Thirty (30) da~ after the event of circumstances occasioning the grievance; or 2. Within seven (7) calendar days of the Step 1 decision rendered in the infonnal grievance procedure, whichever is latter. B. However, it the Step 1 infannal grievance procedure is not initiated within the period specified in sub-section (1) above, the period in which to bring the grievance shall not be extended by sub-section (2) above. C. A Step 2 grievance shall be initiated, in writing, on a fonn prescribed by the City and shall be filed with the ~rson designated by the Police CUet as the first level ot appeal. The enployee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice. D. The grievant shall cite the.specific provision(s) of the then currently effective Merooranchm of Understanding, ordinance, resolution or written rule claimed to have been violB.ted, set forth the facts that purportedly constitute such vio1ation, and the specific remedy sought. E. Within seven ('1) days aft~ the initiation ot the Step 2 grievance, the first level of appeal person sha1linvestigate the grievance, and give his/her decision in writ~ to the grievant. Step 3 A. If the grievant is not satisfied with the decision rendered pursuant to Step 2, AGPOA MOV 1989/90-1990/91 9 he/she may appeal the decision within seven (7) days to the Police O1ief or his/her designated representative. The errployee may be represented by a representative ot his/her choice. B. The Police O1ief or his designated representative shall respond in writing within seven (7) days to the grievrmt. If the Police O1ief or his/her designated representative detemUnes it is desirable, he/she shall hold conference(s) or otherwise investigate the matter. Step 4. A. If the grievant Js not satfst1ed with the decision rendered pursuant to Step 3, he/she may appeal the decision within seven (7) days to the City Manager. The employee may be represented by a representative of his/her choice. B. The detennination of the City Manager shall be the final and binding step of the grievance procedure. ARTICLE 32. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS . . The City retains all its exc1mive rights and authority under State law and City o~ances, and expl'e$ly and exclmively retains its management right, which include, but are not limited to: -the exclusive right to detennine the ~on of its constituent departments, caTJni!sions, boards; --set standarc5 and leveJs of services; -detennine the procedures and standarc5 of selection for el'J'tioyment and prorrotions; --direct its ent>loyees; --detennine the methods and means to relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other lawful reasons; --maintain the efficiency of govemnental operations; -detennine the method;, means and nU11bers and kinds of persons by which govemnent operations are to be conducted; --detenrdne methods of rmancing; --detennine style ancJ/or types of City-issued equipment to be Uged; --detenrdne and/or change the facWtfes, methods, technology, means organizational structure and coopt)OSition of the work force and allocate and ~fgn work by which the City operations are to be conducted; --detennine and change the number o~ locations, relocations and types of operations, proc~ and materiaJs to be used in carrying out all City functions, including, but not limited to, the right to contract for or subcontract any work, labor, services or operations of the City; --to assign work to and schedule ent>loyees in accordance with requirements as detennined by the City and to establish and change work schedules and msignments upon reasonable notice; --establish and modify productivity and perfonmnce program; and standards; --discharge, suspend, demote, reprimmd, withhold salary increases and benefits, or otherwise AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 10 discipline emp10yees in accordance with applicable JaW; The Association recognizes that the City has, and will continue to retain, whether exercised or not, the unilateral and exclusive right to operate, administer, and manage its municipal services and work force pert~ those services in all respects, subject to this Memoranchm of Understanding; provided, however, that the exercise ot such rights does not preclude employees or their representatives tran conferring or raising grievance about the practical consequences that decisions on these matters may have on wages, hours and other tenns and conditiom of employment. 33. PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS . . . . - Swom officers may elect to have a physical examination by a physician agreeable to both parties. Examination caSts and results will be shared equally between the employee and City. FJigibility frequency shall be based on officer's age: OFFICER AGE FREQUENCY OF CITY-SHARED EXAMINATION .- 20-30 years 1 exam every 36 Imnths maxinun 31-39 years 1 exam every 30 roonths maxin1.un 40+ years 1 exam every 24 Imnths maxinun .. ARTICLE 34. EDUCATION . . The City shall pay tuition and book tees tor all c1asses leading to a two- or four-year degree in a job-reIated field at an accredited schoo1/college for swom officers. Payments must be approved by the Police QUet in advance. ARTICLE 35. NIGHT DIFFERENTIAL PAY The City shall pay $.20 (20 cents) per hour additional wages for the 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM shift (graveyard shift). ARTICLE 36. gfANDBY gfATUS Police officers and dispatchers will be granted two (2) hours stand-by for court regardless of the time period and require the prior approval of the QUef of Police. Additionally, police officers and dispatchers are granted a three (3) hour stand-by for each 24-hour period when pJaced on emergency stand-by and would again require prior approval ot the Chief ot Police. Four (4) hour mi.nim.un for Im~ court appearance and eight (8) hour minimll11 for full day court appearance shall be paid by City. ARTICLE 37. ASSOCIATION ACfIVITIES A. The Association shall provide the Pollce QUe! and City Manager with a list of all authorized A.G.P.O.A. representatives and the list shall be kept current. B. An eD1?loyee and/or his/her A.O.P.O.A. representative may, when, and to the extent necessary, take official City time without laiS of carpensation in order to participate in the investigation and ~ of a grievance as p-ovided tor in this M.O.U., upon notification and approval of the imnediate supervisor or his/her designee.. AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 11 . C. 'I11e Police QUef and Oty Manager wID approve one ent'loyee, 8IKJ/or A.G.P.O.A. representative to take official Oty time to investigate and process a grievance, when, and to the extent necessary, and only if it will in no event adversely affect the operational, security or safety requirements ot the Oty. It is understood that the employee, and/or A.G.P.O.A. representative, shall I11lke every reasonable effort to perfonn any of the above activities on off-duty tbm. ARTICLE 38. ASSOCIATION AOCESS TO WORK LOCATIONS The Oty agrees that the authorized A.G.P.O.A. representative shall be granted access to \Wrk location(s) to participate in investigation and processing of grievances per the grievance procedure of this M.O.U., or to observe \Wrking conditlom upon approval of the Pollce Ollef and City Manager when and to the extent necE!$8l'Y. B. The Association shall provide the Police QUef and City Manager with a list of all authorized A.G.P.O.A. representatives and the Imt shall be kept c\nTent by the Association. C. Upon notification and aprroval of the Oty Manager of Im/her designee, an authorized A.G.P.O.A. staff member is pennitted to comnun.icate with errployee(s), and/or A.G.P.O.A. representatives on official city time without said employee(s), , and/or A.G.P.O.A. representatives', loss of conpensation. It is not the intent of this section to allow general Association meetings on City time; but, rather, to allow investigation and discussion of \Wrkfng conditions, grievances and safety f$ues. D. It is understood that every reasonable effort shall be made to perfonn the above activities on off-duty time. ARTICLE 39. ASSOCIATION USE OF CITY FACJLITI~ A. The Association may, with prior approval of the City Manager, be granted the use of City facilities for meetings of Association members, provided space is available. No me fee will be charged. B. The Oty agrees to furnish bulletin board space of reasonable size for parting of A.G.P.O.A. materials. ARTICLE 40. ASSOCIATION MEET AND CONFER REPRESENTATION . ... Three (3) A.G.P.O.A. representatives shall constitute the maximum nunber of employees for meet and confer sessiom with City representatives on City time during representatives \Wr~ hours for the purpose of meeting and conferring in good faith without l~ of payor any benefits. ARTICLE 41. NO STRIKEINO LOCKOUT The Association agrees that during the tenn of this Merrorandum of Understanding, neither the Association or the employees it represents will e~age in, encourage, sanction, support or suggest any strikes. The eIT1?loyer agrees that it will not lockout any of its erployees during the tenn of this Merrorandum of Und~. ARTICLE 42. NON-DISCRIMINATION The Oty shall pursue a policy of affinnative action, equal opportunity and equal promotional AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 12 opportunity for aU \\Orkers in accordance with applicable Jaw. .. No Association member shall be discriminated against by the City because of hisJher efforts in ~ out this Meroorandum of Unde~ or because of political, religio~, union or non-union affiliation of belief, race, color, age, sex, national origin, handicap, marital or military status, or sexual preference, nor shall any members of the Association discriminate against any employee or official of the Oty based upon the foregoing reasons. ARTICLE 43. OU'fflIDE EMPLOYMENT No full time ~yee shall qage in outside employment or an enterprise that the Police Chief may find unsuitable and in conflict with mmicipal duties or respo~ibilities, or which lesse~ their effectiveness as a Cityerq>loyee. ARTICLE 44. RETIREMENT The City is a contracting agency with the Public ~yees' Retirement S~tem of the State of California, to which the City and the eJq>Joyee both contribute. This is carried on in conjunction with Social Security. Participation is mandatory for aU full-time City employee(s). Retirement at age 70 is required of aU empJoyees. ARTICLE 45. RETIREMENT BENEFI'ffl A. Coomencq July 1, 1989, the City shall pay back to each employee an mmunt equal to 8.75% of the 9.00% deducted for PERS retirement. B. Cannenc~ July 1, 1990, the City will pay back an 8ITOunt equal to the additional 0.25% of the 9.00%, for a total of the full 9.00% deducted fran each empJoyee's paycheck, for PERS retirement. C. The Peace Officer "2% at 50" Retirement Program is to continue in effect. ARTICLE 46. COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER POSITION Effective July 1, 1989, the cOOmmity Service Officer pmition incumbent is to receive 1.75% special salary adjustment above the nonna! range and step values shown on Exhibit "B" and "D", to be viewed as an educational incentive. Effective July 1,1990, the Cam1mity Service Officer position inc\.l11bent is to receive 0.25~ special salary adjustment above the nonna! range and step values shown on Exhibits "B" and "D", to be viewed as an educational incentive. ARTICLE 47. HOURLY RATE ADJUSTMBN'ffl1 NON-SWORN PART-TIME Non-swom part-time police clerical personnel, effective July 1, 1989, shall receive approximately 11.75% hourly rate adjustments; and effective clIly 1, 1990, shall receive approximately 5.25% hourly rate adjustments. ARTICLE 48. DENTAL PLAN . . . Effective July 1, 1990, the City will pay the fun dental p1an imurance premiurm for each eJq>loyee and aU of his/her eligible dependents, for a dental p1an of the City's choice. (The anticipated plan is Delta Dental or an equivalent plan.) AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 13 . ARTICLE 49. M.O.U. IMPLEMENTATION Both parties agree that the terms at this Memorandum of Understanding supercede provisions at all other practices, Memorandum of Understanding, resolutions and rules of the City which connict with provisions of this Agreement. Exhibits "A", "B", "C" and "D" are attached and incorporated as part of this M.O.U. NAGER ENTATJVE OF THE CITY OF ENTATJVE OF ARROYO GRANDE o GRANDE' . ICE OFFICERS AS)()CJA.TION . .' . . ,. . . . 8-3 -8/- r-- 3' g'~ Date Date . . . . 14 AGPOA MOU 1989/90-1990/91 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 7/19/89 SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES f'AGE 4 _ __. ._._._K~N!if,-_-... __.._A ._.__~ ____C- .._1L-_- _..._. ___._ .____1;;;.___.._ _--. ._ nh .. ....-~ ',' ~ 1 11 1 ,385 1,454 .... 1,527 1 , 1..03 1 ,683 A, G-. p,o.? ~ --- -.- .- T-12---174 f9----r;490---r;50:::J --H1764:r----.. '--f ;725 .... ".-.- -- H. . --~. . t<1~q - ,q~o 1 13 ........1 ,.45_.\......... ....1 ,.5~I.____ ..1.1. e..~_~.__ __.1J~_8..~ .. .._ 1.,767 ... .. ~t\ \g \'T \1 11 1 14 1 ,490 1 , 565 1,643 1 , 725 1,811 A . - ." ~_. _.- _... .... _. - .- -... ". -. .-., _. --_..- '-'---" ---- ----....-..--..-----....-..--....--.. --.---. . 1 15 1 ,527 1 ,603 1 , 683 . 1,767 1 , f355 (SWO~N ) -....... .. 1'- 1"6'" 1 ,. 56S'" ""--1 ~ 643' ..--.~.T;725--.--~~.C 81 f"'''. -1,' 902 .__. __.. L..1~C_ __._ ._ t..l.6~~____.j_L6Il;.L_LJ9.L..:_.._LJ~.~~.~ ---- 1 ,9413.. 1 18 1 ,643 1 ,725 1 ,811 1 , 902 1 , 997 _ .._ _ .. _._._ __0" __.._ ....._ ....... . .,._' _ ...__._.._.__~._.._._.._. ___u_____.. .........___.~.._..... --.... ... .'._... - ..... .-_.. ." -'." .- . 1 19 1 ,683 1,767 f,855 1/948 2,046 ...... -.----1 -'20 -. - .-.T.~-725----._.-f~8-n-----... r;-90.2------1~ 9'97- ...._. 2-,-097- . .._ 1.21 1,.767... 1 855 1 948 '2. 046 2 148 .... '. .., ____._1.. _. ._... _.,-_-.dL.-.-.-,.--..-- ..___ J.. _._... _._.__.._ ., - 1 22 1,811 1 , 902 1 , 997 2,097 2,202 ____ _.______..._______._.._____.__________..__..______ .0__.'--'----'" .. ...... .... .-.-. ....... .~.. _0"'_"- _ 1 23 1 ,855 1, (l48 2,046 2, 1 4B ..." r)i::t::o Ih.' .___~;;.J 1 24' ....."1"",-902.. ... ...'(.; 'l97_ .. -.. :;r; 097 - ... 2,202" . 2 ., :.t;1 2 .,... .. ....__.J_. .25__.__..__.L..9-4E!__.._:?, 0.4.9____ _~.J~L4JL___:___~..,_.;t~5. 2 3(')fj ------,-.-- .-,... ...-. . ..... .. 1 26 1 , 997 2,0'l7 2,202 2,312 2,427 ........ ..... ~.-.. -, ..-. . _... N_... ._ _.... . ._u ..._...' .... . .... .... ,'. ...... ,'.."....,.... - 1 ~!'7 2,046 2, 1 JJ8 ~ ")0:.-0::' 2 , :~68 2,4rn ~,.:.,;;J;;J . upU_ -- 1-28--.--2-;091"--.-2-;-202'..--2-;-31'2-.-..-.-2-;-427---... 2-;549 u_ --- .-._- ._~~ ... ~.-. ..-_. - 1 29 2,148 2,255 2,368 2,487 2 611 . _..._,.' _. _._ . _...... _ "" _-..... _'d, ._ _., _. _ _ .. .. ... ._ '._" ....., . ..__.. .., _..__ .,. _ ____ ..._. u, - - . , . p-' ", 1 30 2,202 2,312 :2,427 . 2,S49 2,676 ----.-.--.-...-.....---.--.-. ...-----.--.------- -..--..-.-......-.... -'-.- .".., .-.-...-.-......-....--- ---..-.- .-- .. 1 31 2/255 2,368 2,487 2/611 2/741 .. 1 32 ....'-.,..:3f.,-.."._..~~ '4~7-'"' -"' -..,-1::49."------..,-..07.6- ---- """"8 f 0 ..... ,_. - ~.. .,.... ,.-.".. ...- .~ .' ,;.., ,:... ..:,.,... .:.., W :' .:.., ,:.., _.____._J_~3 "__~_~.P~__ 2 L~~.7 2/611 . ?I 741.____._2, fJ}'!L..._._ ..__.__ -- ....- ._- ..-. -.~ -. ..... 1 34 2,427 2,549 2,676 2,810 2,950 '1 . 35~-"''''2';--487 .- ~., '~2-; 6"1"1'......-. '''~Z;74T'''~~2~'g7a~''''''-'3; 022 ... -... .' .'.., ". . . "- . -.-.--- ._.- --......-.., --..__...--_......_----_..~--------._.._.__.._-_.....- --.. . --"..-- - ..-., ,,- -, CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 7/19/89 SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES PAGE 5 RANGE A B C D E -- --'---"-' --. -------- 1 36 2,549 '..;~LalO .:r' . f\. cr. ~ . 0 - A .. .. " ........ ..~'.. .;,' . ....; ...... -',"- ,.....;. ; ': .", ,- ,., . .... ....:.:;.;:-.,:,:..:.:-... ',:' -.---..-t -3(-.-~_Z; 6'n'---~"Z-;741' 2, 878" 3-;-02Z" -~3";l7At" -"-_._-_.-.- . 1 38 2,676 2,810 3,098 3,253 \9RQ-lQqo -- -----...---.-.-----.-------- -'---'- - - " 1 39 2,741 3,174 3,3:32 E;X.r\rgtT A" ...... -. -"--"'-'-" - . .~~... .. .'-'" .--..-'. ".". ._-----._.__._.__......_.:.--...__._.~~_...._-- --.. ----.---...---.-....-.. ---_...-_.~.__.. ......, .-.- 1 4~) 2,fH0 2,950 :3 098 3 ")ft'3 3 4P. ~ ) , ,~;:) ,;:) $Worl.N ..-- -- .'-'1-4'\-' .' ---2,1":na---'---"3,-(')22 311".r--- 37~5'3~--"374'9<T--.--- --. -- .--.-.q . 1 42 2,950 3,098 3,i5~. 3,~1~ 3 586 ...--.-.-- .---.-. .' - --.- --"- --.-.- .-..-----...-. - _._._---_.-----_..__._.._----~.-_._-_!- .. --_. ..-..- - -._- .~.-....... .. 1 43 3,022 3,174 3,332 3,499 3,674 .- __ . _____...._". __.._. _.__ _____ .. . .__.__ ___,_,'_d__ . ----- -..---.--...------.------....-- ---..-. -- 1 44 3,01J8 3,253 3,586 3,766 -. .... - 1"450- . 3 ~-1' 74 ....... . .' 3 ,332..--..--3";.~-99'..--.~3.;674 ---'-"'-'3~-g57 .... -.,.... .--............ -..-- - 1 46 -. -. 3-, ~~5;5._. .3 '.415..._. . _3_,~j~6____.__~'--?6~_ ___ ~.,_95..i- . ..__ __ ._. _.. ----. --- 1 47 3,332 3,499 3,674 3,857 4,050 .. . -. --. .' ...-.. .,., .... .~.",...... ...._........ ._................. ........__._._u....____....._____.._______.....__..__.....:..._______.- ---.---....,....-. . -........-..-...-... ... 1 413 3,415 3,5l16 3,766 3,954 4,152 -. --..-,4(7--.. -. "3',499-" --. 3,-674'-"-~a-"..)7 '-4-;0~)o-----.lt,~53--- .-- -.. -. '- ".-.-.'.-. .- . . 1. 5(-) 3,586 ., u .3, .766~__._..:3_,.?5.~.~_...._~.,J52_.. ..... ..~..I 3.::i?._ _... ... . ---.' . .. .. .. ._. .._ _n ..'. _ ."_. _. ..-..-- ,----, -- ."-..---- ".- --- -.-.-....---..- --..-..--- -----...' -- -------. ..-----. ----- ._ u. ," ..-. . .... -'..' .--...... +- ...... '. '." _.....,.-".__..._....._...-.-.......-----~_....-....._.........- ...--...-,...-.--- _...-~. --_._~. ..........-. .. ..- ... ... ..-. . ... .--. .,-,.. -.-'- -. ..._... --.... .-.--....----..--.-.-- --.--.--..- -----.-..-.. .._- - ...--_. -- - ... .--. . .... .'. ,~.. . ....' .... ., .,. .....- .-................. .-................. .........-......__...,.~.._-_..........-.....,...... .-,.-......... .. ,. . ,...--..~._- ....'... . .-" --- ... -.-.-... -,.-...... -.-.- -. .-.... -- .--..-.-- -. -...- ------.---.- ---.....----.----..-- -. . .._ n, ....., ....-. ..... .- .-......--......... ..---.--...- .-...-~_.~~ .......-.. -.. ..,.-- ....... ... ...-...... ...-.......... .....-.-. . n . p ..... -- ---. ..._-------~... ----.---.-..-. --------. .---.... -_.- --- .-..-.- . .~. ._. .. ...~ -. .-..' ... ..._~.._- _.. ....., .. .... . -..,-.. ....... .. .. . ~ . - . I . " AGPOA .1.989-90... EXH I B IT "B" (NON-SWORN) Reference M.O.U. Article 2: RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP NBR .-L 2 ...L- 4 2- Community Services Officer 20 1,841 1,932 2,029 2, 1 32 2,238 Clerk Typist I I (Pol Ice) 14 1 ,634 1,715 1,801 1 ,892 1,986 Dispatcher 12 1 ,643 1 ,720 1,801 1 ,887 1,978 Po I I ce Cadet 11 1,519 1 ,595 1,674 1,758 1,846 I . . ... . . CITY OF ARROYO' GRANDE 7/19/89 SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES PAGE 4 I:;:ANGE A B C D _______..E ...... -..... --, -..- "~ - - . ..-......... ... _.- ." --.- ...--...---..-- _._- 1 11 1 ~ 454 .1 , 527 1,603 1 , 683 1 ,768 A .G-" P.O.A. ----- '1-'-1~--'-1'i-49'1 1 , 56'5 1-;-81T.----..--.----- .... ... \Q9o -\qql 1 .~_.._ .. _L.~~J._____.1L..6..~_~ __ ,_~. ,~_~3 .!.!3_~_8._ ..__._.L,BJit?_.,._ .__.. .. ...__ ",_n.' -. ----.. \' C /I 1 14 1 , 565 '1,643 1 , 726 1 , 902 ~J<..-H I B \ T --------_..--- --. -.. .------ ... -... ---.-. ,-.- --.-.--.- .-...- -. 1 15 1 , 603 1 , 683 1 , 768 1 , 856 1 , 949 (5 WQI< rJ) .. . 1'1 6-" '--1 ~'6"4'3' . .., -1-, 726-..---.f-;"817....-.,-......1-,-'902--- ."'.- 1 ; 998 -.., 1 1 '7 tL~_G~ 1 ,768 .. 1 , 856 1,949 _.._:?,J1.4.~_ ....... __ ,_ __...__. ....__...._.. .._......_ ._._-- 1 18 1 , 726 1 ,812 1 ,902 1 ,91]8 2,097 ...._~ ...- . --.." -_...._.. -.--..-.----.....--..-.--...---. .__..--_..~_. -.- .._. .,--- ..-.--... .....__.... . ., ....._-. .... _. 1 11;' 1 ,768 1 , 856 1 ,949 2,046 2,149 ---1-20---'''-.8'1'2 1'7ge'2 1 , 9'98 2, e'97---Z;;:W2.---.------.-.. .---...-----...---... 1 21 1 856 1 949 2 046 2 149 2 256 . _ . _ ... __..._ - __...._.-1.. __. _ .__ _...._ ___L._ _ _ _.__ ..._ ..-,._-...-.c ...." ___ ._.._---...t...:-- _._ .. _. _.. _ __ . '..l_. . .- - .-.- . ~, . .- ... 1 ':) ., 1 ,902 1 , 9(18 ... 2,097 2,202 2,312 ... ... --- ..-------------... .----.------- ~.__._.__..,-" .......-.--... . .... ...---.- ...-..- '.~. ".-., -,,_.. 1 23 1 ,949 2,046 2,149 2,256 2,369 '--1"24 -- - . L.998-.~.--. Z~"097 :-'2-, '428 ..- . - - .. 1 25 2 046 ~J_L1.L_.__-"-2...L.~56 ~"!L...36..cL-_ ....._:;,!.L4.Jt7....... ..___...... _'_" ...___... ........_. ---..-.-.-. ,----- -~_. 1 26 2,097 2,202 2,312 2,428 2,549 ... .. -....... .... ".-- - .-....-.....,.......-.-.. ..... ~.-...- -........-.- -. .---_. "--'.-."-" ...-....-..-. ". .. -- " .. . 1 27 2,149 2,256 2,369 2,4rn 2,612 -..----.1 28-----.2.;-2"02--2-;-3'1"2.--.274.28 2-;549--.-.-2;.677'-..-..-.- ......-..--- ----. ..... .- 1 .29.....___ .... .4J.;?5.p'..__ ._...._$,.I.:Jg.9 ... _.... . .? ,-~.a7 _______. ~.l..p.1. 4. ____ ~..I 74:;? _. ....... .... ....- ,,~~.. 1 30 2,312 2,428 2,549 2,677 2,811 ----_. -_._--- --- ___._..... --.._._-0...___-.---- _..__.__...._. 1 31 2,369 2,487 2,612 2,742 2,879 -1 "32' -....2;'428..---._.-2";54.9.._..._...2~077-.--:---2;Blf"...,-.---_. 2,.951....... ...... . .. .. ... . 1 3~5 . 2 487 2 612 2 742.. 2 87.9 3 023 ,....___.__....___.._ _...._._._.__. .1..._ ......._..___._.L.._ ......=--._..___.'-'-!..:.__~ ._... ______ ..._.1_.__....___ .___,,_.___.. _. _._.__.___. ______... .. ._ 1 34 2,549 2,677 2,811 2,951 :i,099 . -~ .---.. ,. -...-..-,-..-----...--...-....-.-..--....-.-..--...-....--.--..-....--...----".........-,....... ~_..-._._._..-- - .....-. ..... ._.,-.' ,.. 1 35 2,612 . 2,742 .2,879 .. 3,023 3,174 . . '. - ._.._- .. -.,.----- ------_.__... -_._..- ...-. -...--...-..--- -.--. _. _. .-.._..._...... '__0" , CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 7/19/89 SCHEDULE OF SALARY RANGES PAGE 5 RANGE A DeE - ".-.- .-.... ...-..... - -..---- .._-_.----'"~ _'"' ---..--.-..-...- 1 36 2 , 677 ,2 ,8 11 ,\2~ 951',-;:;'<i; A .6-"" A _ _ _,-,-._--,,-- ,_< ' . r .0 '. . .- -.-.---nr.37----.- :r;'742-'---Z-;1J75' ~;J3 __._.___L.~8__._d__ _.2.,.I;lU_____2.,_9_:?1 J...L.099 ~J_2.::i1____3..d.L~___ _______.____.___ _d", . .-_,.--_, _,--" __'__ dd. . " / , 1 39 2,879 3, 0,.:.:..'13'. 3,:1~i'4 d, ,', bXH I!S I r ' C , .',.. . ,._ ..... ..', _....... .. _'. .... . _0 ,.,~..'.''''''' ~#'.4'. -.....:......................~_.__..~.:.....~..............,...~'.___.. ...__.~ -...- .-..-..- ....-. -._':'..'.. -_. '. ...._........ 140 2,951 3,099 3,254 3,416 3,587 (;.wor<.r,) -.-.- . r'-41 -- - ---:5-;'023-"'-3 ,T04-' ;5, .533..... '.' . .' 3, ::-,0"0.--:--3"',-675'---- ____'u .--.,-.- ----- - - - - 1 42 3 099 3 254 3 4163 587 ,3 767 ., . ...' - - --'''- ,,-. - -"..-.-- ." . -.. ., - .. ....~-- -'" 1 43 3,174 3,333 3,500 3,675 3,859 _0_' .~._._.._.._ ....-.- _.- ...--~-.....,..--_._--....----,--.- ---.---------.-..-----..-----.---.---.--. .- -.----- 1 44 3,254 3,4163,5873,767 3,955 i 45-'3, -333 . 3, "5~H)-' "-~'."3'~-6"n.).---'.'3 ;1359 " ..'.. 4-, 0~1 .-, .,... --..-.. . __ ._...L 46 ___ .___.3, 41_6._ .. ,_ 3, 5.8.7___...3J.7_6 7___.____ ,_3..1-955. ___ _.__4.1. i53.. .____. ___ __,_____ 1 47 3,500 3,675 3,859 4,051 4,254 .- .. ..,. ~- -. ....... -.. .. ." ... . ..-...-....... ....,. ..-.---"---.--....- ......,..'.......... --_...... .......'_.._._---_....,_........_--~......._....-.... ........, '.-' ..... .....-...... -. .~ 1 48 3,587 3,767 3,955 4,153 4,360 - -- T '4t~... 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