Minutes 1936-04-08 113~ Arroyo Grande,California. april 8,1936. The City Cour.ei.l met in an adjourned regular session with Mayor Poole presiding. On roll call Councilmen Poole~Brisco~Phillips and Gibson reported present~absent none. The ~a~ror stated that the m+ee~ing ~ras~.~or:;~:~h~~.}~~rpese - of appainting a successor to Mr.Moore to serve the unexpired portion of h3s term as Councilman~and that nominations were now in order. Councilman Gibson nominated J.J.Schnyder~nomination ° seconded by Councilman Phillips~no Purther nominations being made~nominations were closed. By unanimous vote J.J.Schnyder was appointed Council- . man succeeding ~dr.~oore. The clerk was instrueted to notify ~dr.Schnyder of his appoint~ent and advise him to be present at the next regular session oP the City Council to be held April 15,193b at 8:00 P.Bd. There being no further business to come before the Council~the meeting was adjourned. = B.F.Stewart. / ` City Clerk. ATTEST: ~ May or . By~~ ~ Deputy Ci~lerk. Arroyo Grande,California. April 15~~936• The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Poole presiding. On roll call Councilmen Poole~Phillips and Gibson : reported present,Councilman Brisco absent. J.J.Schnyder took the oath perscribed by law~before ~iayor Poole~and was seated at the Council table. ~6r.Webb Moore came bePore the Council and stated that ~ at the time the City of Arroyo Grande constructed a storm drain • Prom the Valley Road~through the property of Geo.Grieb~to Arroyo Grande Creek,the City ha.d caused damage to certain trees ~ a1o88 the right of way of said storm drain and that he felt that ~J1r.Grieb is entitled ta damages in the amount of $50.00 On motion of Councilman Phillips~seconded by Councilman Gibson~and motion carried~the clerk was instructed to issue a warrant in favor of Geo.Grieb for $50.00 to cover damage to . certain trees caused by the cutting of roots at the time oP ~ c onstruction of a storm drain,over a right oP way granted the c i ty by him. . Bills against the General Fund in the amount of $89.30 ~ and th~; Water Fund for $164.07 were audited approved and ordered . paid. There being no flirther business to come before the Council~on motion the meetir~g was adjourned. B.F.Stewart City Clerk. ' ATTEST: By ~ y.~-~u-~ ~ayor. Deputy City Clerk. ~ The minutes of the meetings of April 1~1936 and April 8~1936 were read by the clerk~and approved as read. ~14 ~ H ~ ~ - tz' Arrf~O ~am~de, ~alifOraia, ~ ~prt Z ~t~, 1936. City Council met in regular eession with B. F. Stewart. ~fty Clerk presidin~g. ~a roll eaZl Coun ~ils~en, ~i. R. Phillips. J. S. GibsO~ aad J. J. Schnyder, reporti~g pr~sent. Brisco~aad Poole~ absent. ~ B. F. Stewa~t stated the abject of the meet~ng was to camrasa the ret,urn~s of the General l~tinicipal election held on the 15th~ day of April~ ~936. and also to ca.avasa tbe absente~ ballots~ H. R. Phillips~ J~ s. Gibsoa and J. J. Sc ~iyder~ was appoiated a eommitt~ee to canvass said returns~ B. F. Stewart acted as clerk aP the ~st board.There was 22 ballats inc~udi~ug oae blank.and at'teri a~aavass of the absentee Dallot.~ ~ and a eanvass of the electio a ret#rs~s ~ the Clerk ~ presented the followfng resolutioa~ ~ a~o~rlo~r ~B~x 68_a~ _ Sl~ THE Ct7U1~CIL QF THE CIT3C OF ~ARROYO Q3A16DE~ S~STE OF CAL~FORIP'IA RESOLt1TI0N DECLART~G RESfILT OF ELECTIO~. WHEREAS~ a 6er~eral Y~n3~eipal election was held ~n the Cf~y of Arrcyo G~ande~ oai. Z'uesd~ April 14th~ 293b as req~t~red by law. An~ WHWREA~S it appears t.hat actice of said e2eetion was duly and legally give~, tbat voting precin~ts were properly es~.ablished~ tY~at eleetiva officer8 were appointed and electf on supplies fhraiehed~ a~d tba~ fn all reapectssafd e~ectian vras held a.n+d eQ~ciuctedand the votes east t~ereat received an~d canvasaed, and the r~tt~rns thereof made and deela~ed in tine form and ~a.nner as required by~ law of sixth class Citf ea . ARD WH~'~REAS~ the Council of daid ~ity aet at the Cou~eilChaaaber thereat on I~onday the 20th day of April 1936~ to canva.ss the returns oP said electioa ~ a~d fnstall the newly elected offfcera! ead havirig caavassed said said reta~rns tbe ~ouncil finds tha~ the nu~er oP votes egs~ ~ the na~es of the persons voted for~ and other matters required ` by law~ to be as herei~,,fter stated~ now therePore BE ZT RESDI~itED~ as Pcl2ows. T`hat said general ~lunfcipal ele~tion waa helc~ and coadt~cted ia the City of Arrcyo f~a~de on Zi~esday the 15th~ dayr cP April, ~.936, in time , forffi and manaer, as re~+;,tired by laws that tbere was one ~otis~g ~recinet established ~'or the ,p~aepcse of ho~ding said election cQrfsiating of a co~solidation oP the r•gu ~ar election preein~ets established for ho;df~ geaeral State and Couaty =~cx elections~ as follows: (Consc~.idsted precinct "'A") comprisimg State aad ~cru~r~t~ preeincts !€u~~r one a~nd trvo ~ and the voti~g ~lace thereof wa~ the ~ity ~all. That the whole number of votes east in sa~a e~tywas 493~ that tbe ~ases oP the ~ersons ~ed Por~ the offices for rrhi~h they we~e voted~ the ~er of ~otes gfven,~ea~hprecinct to each ef said persona together with the ~rho;e r~umber af vo~es which they received ia the estire ~ity are as followss V'otes received. Aame of p~soa s voted for~ Office voted for. Tota.l I~. A. Elsiaco. eoun~~.lmen f~12 t~er~~ 1~? w. A. eoazled, " " " 3~3 C. R. Pat~r~~i~T~ ~ n " 1~J6 H. R. Philifps " n » 23 . Vlfffi POOle ~ n n n 2~ ~F. T . ~itloek ~ " " ~~7 CITY CI~ERg ~talter G. Fir~ck.. ~ " 99 ~ I~~land Ballag~ " " 47 ~he~ter Steel~e ; a " 1~ 8. B . 1~i.nean " " 'I '9 Cf ty Treast~rer 0• PZ'ue88 " ' 3'I'T _ 115 ~ogrz~. RESO~?VED thereforer that at said general Municipal election , W. A~ eanrad ~as elected couneilman of the City of Arroyo Grande~ for the f'till term oP four gears. 1~Iso that Herbert R. Phillips was elected Councilmen oP said City for the f'till term of four years. Also that Wil2iaffi T. ~1hitlock araa elected Coun~ilman for said ~ity fQr the Pull term oP fouri years. Also t~iat Russell B. ffiiaeau ~ras elested ':Ci~~ ~~l.erk of said City ~ for the f'~11 term of four years. Also that ~aurice 0. Pruess was eleeted ~ity Treasurer of said Efty for the fti.ll term of fo~rr years. The City ~lerk shall im~ediately make and deliver to ea~h of such - persons elected, a eert~ficate of election, sigr~ed by him and duly authentivated: he shall a2so impose the ~onst~tutional oath of offiee and have them subscribe thereto, whereupon they shall be indueted into the respective offiee s to which they have been elected. I! the undersigned, herehy certify that the Poregoing Resolution~ac ~ uras duly a~d regu~arl~r introduced and adopted h~ the Cauneil of the . ~~.ty of Arroyo Grande~ at a regular ~eet~~ag held on the 2~th~ day of April 1936. by the following vote. Ayes~ eouncilma~ H. R. Phillips~ J. d. Schr~Yder~ J. S. Gibson, Noes " I~oae, Absent. Brisco and Poole. In testimoa~,y whereof~ I have hereunto set m~r haad and affixed the official seal of said City, this 20th~ of pri 36 ~ ' City ~lerk, No ft2rther h~siness appearisag the old Board does naw adjoura. ` _ L ~ ~ ~ = C ty lerk. ~ 16 , H . C=7 ~rroyo Gr~nde~ ~ali~or~ia~ ~ ~ ~pril 20th~ lg~~. ~ Ilpon ad~aurnmegt af o~d baard~new ~~rd o~' t,r~uate~s called to orde~ ~y ~[r.H.~.S~ewart. E3n roll eall ~~unei~:men Gor~rad,Fh~llips, I~hit2oc~k~~ibso~,and ~e~der reported p~esent.1~~78EIIt none. 0~ ~tion of ~ou~eilman F~hillips~seconded by eouaeil~n ~ibeon~ ~.Jl.eaarad ~ras nomin~ted a~d unan~mau~ly elected as Yayror for the l~sui~g T~erm. ~ The following ~ommittees were a~ppointe~; Finan~e: ~Qii~ P=hillips ~ ~nd VIt2~~Iock. ~ ~tr e ets ~nd TQ~a L~ad~s ; ' P~iillips~~b~~n,a~xl ~~yder. Folice FYre ~a a~~; S~hr~yder~~hi~lo~k~ar~ ~fllips. ~ W"ater D~ega~rtment.~ ~t1o~k~P'hillips,arnd ~.h+~oa. . ~r.~'red ~rsalek appeared befor the board gnd suggested that a new wchit~ sailing be ere~ted a~ e~eh end of the narrow Aricc~::ge near his place.He stated the brfc3g~ as very da~rigerous.l~l~o a serious ~ ac~ic~ent might be prevented by~ er~etio~ of the r~ili~s. li~?.~isdsle reports ~11 funds chee~d a~d: ~1~lanees earrect.He . wrill mail report to ha~e o~ file. _ O~utgoing Treasuress report was ordered ~ccepted. ~lerk v~as instrueted to order one dQZen oath of of€`ice bl~xnka. There being ao further business~on ~otion the meeting was adjou~n ~ , ~ity ~.'Ierk. : , l~ttes ~yo~