Minutes 1936-05-06 11? ~ Arroyo C-~:~:e, California, , May~~i~ 1936 . The City ~oun~il met in regular sessian with ~a;~rar ~orirraEd presidi~g. On roll f~ll ~oun~ilmen ~onrad~Phillips~Gibson~ V~h.i.tloek~ and Seh~yder reported present. ~bsent noae. Minutes of ~evious meeting read and approved as read. , Communieations r~d and ~~:ge~~ar business of the ~ ~ evening started. On motion of ~oun~ilman Phillips~ seeanded by ~ Councilman GiT~son~ motion earried~ to eantinue membership ~ vrith the Learg~e af ~unieipaElities. Request of 1iGr. Rohert Sphers for redu~tion af Niareh water bill was denied. Also ~ouneil agrees to grant . quarterly license to water peddler $3.00 per quarter ' On motion of Couneilman Whitlock~se~onded by ~ou~eilmar~ ~ Phillips~ motion earried~ to write off Mrs. John~on water bills for months of dan. Feh. and ~Carch. ~lerk instru~ted to hire Mrs. Schillir~g to go baek four years and bring delinquent w~ter balances up to date. 4n motion of Couneilman Schri~der ~ seeonded l~y ~oun~ilman Phillips~ motion carried~ that Hank of ~meri~a ~e designated as pla~e in which City Treasurer deposit all ~ity Funds. On motion of ~oun~ilman Sehnyder~ se~onded by Councilman Git~son~ motion earried~ to waive deli~que~t penalties on both £irst and second installments of ~ity taxes ~ to and ~neludir~g, ~Iay 2'~, 1936. Thereafter full penalties to be collected. Noved seeonded and carried that Bonds of City ~lerk and Eity Treasurer be accepted. ~~o`red~ seeonded and earried that &.B.Bdineau be appointed . lEssisstan~ ~ater Superi~tendent at a salary of $105.00 per month. - - Bills against the General Fur~d for $904.a3~ the Water Fund for $308~.34~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. ' IVIr.Harry Truesdale appeared l~efor the Board and delivered his reports to b¢~ pla~ed an file. He was instrueted to audit books up to llday 1~ 1936 as he did last year. No f'urther business appea~cing~ on motion~ the meeting was adjourned untill the next regular meeting May 20~ 1936. ~ - ~ ~ . Attes~-~ Cit ~lerk Y ~ro .