Minutes 1936-06-03 119 ArroyoGrande~ Calif. June 3~ 193~ ~ity ~oux~il met in regular session ~rith ~dayor W. ~onrad presic3ing. On roll eall Counciā€¢lmen~ Coriraui~ PI~ilSips~ S~hnyder and ~h.itlock reported present~ Gibson absent. ~inutes of pre~rious meeting read a~d approved as read. Y Cv~munications read and ordered placed on file. ~~erk was ~nstrueted to can~el Robert Spehr water bill~ and sueh: other ola bills as may seem advisable with eustomers ~a~ing good credit rating and who emphasize belief that bills ~ave been paid. Street Superintendent instru~ted to have partially eonstructed sign~ near Webb ldoare place~ remo~ed from City Street. ~do~red~ seEOnded and carried that Council accept resignation of B. E. Ewing as Ch~ef of Poliee. Moved~ seconded and carried that Frec~ Norton be appointed Chief of Police. B. E. E~cing turned in i~atcha~ans club ~~iandcufPs ~ Gas Gun~ and three shells. Same turned oeer to Chief Norton. Bills against the General Fund in tthe amount of $~73.93 and the Water Fund in the aanount of $303.64 were audited approved and crdered p~ic~. ~lerk iaistructed to draw ~tarrant i~ favor og Edward ' ~uaresma in the amount of $j.~~ for ma.king out p~gers in r ec ent eas e of G. D.~am~?b~ll. , , Council ~nstructed Street Superimtendent t.o repaint pedestrian crossing in Pront of Fost O~fiee. Stop sign to be o~ited for the present. There being no f'tarther business the meeting was ac'iaourned. ~ ,I . ~ ~ ~ ATTF.~ ~'~ty ~lerk. ; i ~ i i i I