Minutes 1936-06-17 120 ~ y ~7 , Arroyo Grande~ California. ~ Ju~e 17~ 1936 ~ity ~ourrc~.l met i~ regular session with Mayor - WN. A. Comrad presiding. On roll eall ~oun~ilmen Conrad~ Gi~son~ Phillips , and Schnyder reported present, ~thitlock absent. Minutes of p~evious meeting read and approved as read. ~ommunications read and ardered plarced on file. , Bills against the Gener~l Fund in the amount of ~ $86~.0~ u~ere audited approved and ordered paid. ~7Q , , ~ RE30Ld3TI0N~i# A~ ~OLUTION ~PPROVING BIiEMORANDUM 4~ AGR~F~'uT . ~ FOR E~€PFNIII~'URE OF' 4¢ GAS TAX. x No~r therePore be it resolved; . Th~t the Gi~.y Council of the Cit,y of Arroyo Grande do hereUy approve ~emorandum of Agreement for the expendi.ta~re . . o~ the Gas Tasc fo~ City Streets. Passed and adopted by t,he City Couneil of Arroyo Grande on this 17th. day af J~in~ 1936~ by the Pollowing vote. AYES - Councilsien eoa~rad~ Gib~on, Phillips and Sclznyder. 1~OES - None . ~$E~` ~ ~O~71C 1 ~.IDi821 ~1~ t~OE~ • - Mr. Lierly appeared before the Board with a~equest t'or a permit~ to bvrm~ an i~cinerator at his raach ~rhieh lie~ ir~.side the City Limits. ~ouncil de~ided the matter entirely under ~he juri sdi cc ~.i o~ o£ the ~ounty He~lth Degartment. ~oQed~~eeonded anc3 earried that the Clerk purchase ~ suppl~ oP Municipal License blanks from the ~`irm quo~ing the best price. Street Super~ntendent iastructed to ereet a boule~ard stop siga at tbe ~.nterseetion of Branch and Crown Streets. ~Ioved~ seeonded and carried that the ser~ices of ~6r. Ben ~oarad be secured to drau~c plans and specifications of local t~. P. A. project. Bdr. Truesdale from the Coun~y Tax Colle~tors Office and Mr. Polke f'ro~ the eoum.ty 1~uditors Office ~ere present and gave short talks on the subjeet a~ Taxes and Ta~c Redeffiptiona. Both stror~gly advised that a ne~c system be adopted as the present records are very conftrsing. There being no further business th~ meetin~ was adjourned. , ar ~~t Clerk. Y