Minutes 1936-09-16 ~ ~3 ~ ~ Arroyo Gr~nde California~ sept. 16 „193~ City Council met in regular session with Mayor V1. A. Conrad presiding. On soll call Councilmen Conrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ ~ehnyder ~ and 'Nhitloek reported present. Absent none A~inutes of the previous meeting read and approved as read. Communieations read and ordered placed on file. OHl~1NAiVf:~ N0. 5~ ~ltl~ ORIII11Tt~4N~:~ YHOt/1DI1~TG F4H '1'.tir: '1'liMPORAHY HEMIS~lON Or~ PEN- ALTIES~ IN'1'EttEST L~ND e05'1'S UPON 'rHE tt~:t3~:MP'1'lUN Ur' YxUYr;t~'rY SOLll r'OH ~~;LINQUENT '1'A~+'S ~ L)E~:LAHING 't"HE UHCi~iVt; Y Or' '1~I5 , Ox~INANC~ AND PROVID.LNG TriA~l~ l~l~ ~t1ALL ~1~A~; r:r~r~~~;T UPON F1NAL AllOPTIOA. The Ordinance was read by the Clerk~ and on motion whieh ~ wa~ seconded and earried~ the Ordinance was passed b~r the ~ f ollowing vote. AYE~i:Coun~ilmen~ Conrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ Sehnyder & Whitlock. NO~~: None . Absent: None. ~ I The Ordinance was then and there signed by the Mayor and , , attested by the Clerk of the City and ordered p~~:nted ::~nd published in the Herald ~.eforder. Claims against the General Fund in the amount of ~~:36.25 and the ~~ater rund in the amount oF ~556.18 were ~zdited approved and order ed paid. No further business appearing and on motion the meeting was adjourned. A~l'TES'1~~~~' o/Y ~ ~we-~'~ f~ ,"'o~~k T &iayor C.ity ~C;1.