Minutes 1936-11-18 1~8 y ~ Arroyo Grande, C~lifornia Iv~ovember 4, z936 ~ City Council met in regular session with ~~a.~or ~V. a. Conrad • presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen Conrad, Gibson~ Gfiillips~ Schnyder and ;Nhitlock reported present. Absent none. I~:inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. No eottununications. Councilman Whitloek repo:~ted that he had not been able to contact all parties interested i~n extension of water line and subject held over until negt meetin,g. Claims against the General rund in the Amount of $ 652.74 and the ~'~ater Fund in the amount of $ 324.43 were audited approved and ora~ered paid. Several members oP the local danee eo~nittee were present a~nd after much discussion regarding the noises outside and after the dance ~r. Clevenger asked for a chance to furnish his own police protection and see if he eould not quiet it down to the satisfaction.of all coneerned. Councilman 5e~hnyder at this time asked to have the duties of the loeal " pvlice regarding night work explained. b~oved~seconded and earried that the dance eommittee be ' granted permission to continue their dances until two A. ' up to Dec . 1~' ~ 1936 . At that time unless a marked improvement II is shown all dances will close at one A1+T. ~Irs. Stew~rts request for a lower water rate refused bg ~Counei~. ~ No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting !i ~ was adjourned. i I ~ • . Mayor City Clerk Arroyo Grande ~ Cal.ifornia November 18, 193~ City Council met in regular session with l~ayor W. A. Conrad presiding. ~ ~ Upon roll call Cauncilmen Conrad~ Gibson~ Phillips~ and 4Yhitlock reported present. Cauneilman Sehnyder absent. s~~ ~inutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. I~r. ~rown and B~r. Spurlock appeared to request the extension o£ water main to their plaees. Both agreed to sign up for two con- neetions for one year. D~oved ~ seconded and carried that City furnish and lay water lir~e to ~6r . Spurloek' s s e~ ond plac e. Several of the ~others of the local school ehildren ~ppeared to ask tY~at Poliee Chief Norton be replaced at the school crossing to aid the sma~:l' children going to and Y`rom ~ehool. ~lFter mu~h discussion the Council agreed to replace officer Norton at Bpecifieci hours o£ from 8:30 to 9 A. M.; 12 to 1 P. M. and 2 to 3 P. ~I. Said replacement t~o continue until first meeting in ~ec. at which time school trustees are to meet with City Couneil. B~r. Dohi ~ representing the Japanese :1lelfare Association~ appear ed be~'ore the Board to ask that Leedham Lane ~ae wrideneci. City CTerk appointed as a committee of one to eontact b2r. Evans regarding purchase of a strip of land 10 feet wide faci~,g Leedham Lane. E. D. ite~rart appeared appear~d begore the Board to ask that old y~Tater bill against his property be caneelled in view of the Pa~t that he was never notified that bill was accumulating. . ~oved~ seconded and earried that water bill against ~t1r. SteHrart`s property be cancelled. l~oved~ seeonded and earried that.~ity Clerk elear Lhe tax re~ords in a~egard to delinquent taxes affecting Lotws 24~ 25 and 26 Block 21 'Nestern Acidition, in view of the fact that ow~er has paid re~eipt whieh never had been eleared fro~t the books. y Moved, seconded and carried that ~ss't N~ter S~p't salary be set at $Z25.00 ~per m nth. b;o ed sec n~~ and carri g~iat and,~Street Su ts sal be ~nc~ease~ ~~er mo. ~ppor~i~oaed ~s in past. ~i ~ourned. , ~a~yor• City Clerk ~