Minutes 1936-12-02 129 Arroyo Grande~ Ca~ifornia. Deeember 2, 1936 City Couneil met in regular session. Mayor Conrad being absent City Clerk called the meeting to order and upon motion hy ~Ihit- lock, which was seconded and carried~ H. R. Phillips was appoin- ted acting I~ayvr f'or the meeting. Upon roll call Councilmen Phillips~ Gibson~ Sehnyder and ~ihitloek reported present. ~ayor Conrad absent. . Minutes of the previous meeting read and app~oved as read. Communieations read and ordered placed on file. City Clerk reported little progress in the proposed widen- ~ng of Leedham Lane. Grammer School Princip~l, Mr. Homer Edgecomb, representing the Gramm~r School Trustees~ appeared before the Board to report that while the s~hool did not Peel it their responsibilitq to aid ~inaneially in maintainiag a poliee offieer at the sehool crossing~ they would~ rather than not have an officer~ agree next year to budget for a payment of $ 15.00 per month to be paid to the City to aid in police protection ~or the sehool ehildren crossing the highway. In return the City agrPes to , keep an officer at the school erossi"n~ for the balance of this school year. Fire Chief Norton instrueted to pur~hase one new hand fire pump for £ire dep~t. and also to sell old fire truck batteries. Bills against the General r^und in the amount of $ 494.23 and the '~Tater Fund in the amount of $ 396.83 were audited app- rove~ and ordered pai d. Application of B6r. F. H. Conrad to ereet an arcade over the side~alk~ to be attached to a building whieh is to be ereeted om: what is knov~n as the old Hotel Lot~ was approved by the Board~. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ' ~ , , Nay Cz y ~le~k - T Arroyo Grande~ ~alifornia December 17, 1936 City Council met in regular session and was called to order by the City Clerk. Upon roll call~ Couneilmen Gibson~ Phillips and ~~hitlock r~ported present. Councilmen Conrad and Sehnyder absent. b2otion by ~Nhitlock, 2nd by Gibson, motion earried that Couneil- man Phillips be appointed acting ~iayor for this meeting. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Communications read and ordered placed on file. Dz;r. E. C. Loomis appear~d before the Board to ask that the street back of his warehouse be officially abandoned by the City and the property be deeded baek to the property owners. City ,~ttorney stated that a petition would be necessary and that action would have to be deferred until next meeting. ~r. Clevenger appeared to ascertain if any complaints had been turned in against the dances. No complaints other than rumors having been heard, dance was allowed to continue until two A. &i. under temporary probation. City Clerk instructed to cancel Oct-Nov. water bill against t~obert Spehr~in ~iew of the fact that no water was used. Mr. Spehr having been suddenly called away due to sickness. Ordinance #55 was read for the first time to be re-read at the next meetir~g. 1~pplication of Henry ~queda for St. light on iialley ~oad nrdered held over for future eonsideration. Nioved~ seconded and earried that the valuation on strip of land belonging to R. uVithrow and assessed on statement # 52~3 be re- duced to $2~.00 in vie~v of the fact that the assessment of $100.00 is in excess of the actual value of the property. Iu:oved~ seconded and carried that the reeords be cleared of delin- quent taxes affeeting Lots 21~22~28 & 29 of Hilliker~ '~Voodburys Addn as owner has paid re~eipt rvhich has never been cleared from the boo1~ Claims against the ~Jater Fund in th~ amount of $18.'70 were aud- ited approved and ordered paid. tree Ta.oved, 2nded, ~C ~az'rl~~eetin~ a•t roe~t~~ ~.OO~to community Xmas ~4~riayor . i ty C1 erk