Minutes 1937-01-06 ~ 30~ ~ y Arro~o Grande, alifornia ~ January 6~ 1937 ~ City Council met in regular session and in the absence of ~ayor Cpnrad~ meeting was ~alled to order by City Clerk R. B. ~dine~u Upon roll.eall Councilmen Gibson~ ~hillips and iNhftloek reported resent. Ma or Conrad and Councilman Sc P y hnyder absent. Moved l~y Gibson, seeonded b~ :"~hitlo~k~ mot;ion ~arried, that " Councilman Phillips be appointed aeting B~ayor for the meeting. ~+:inutes of the previous meeting read and ~pproved as read`. Communications read and orc~.~ered plac~d on file. - N~o~ed~ second~c3. and earried tha.t City Clerk instruct the ~idland Counties Publie Service Corporation to sreet a street 3.ight on Valley road near Henry :~gueda residence. Said light to be located according to the direction of Street Superintendent Ewing. ORDINAI~'CE AN ORDINAI~TG`E APIdENDI1VG SE~TI~11T 1~ OF ~EIN pRDINE~N~'E. ENTITLFBs aAN ORDINAhTCE FROVIDING FOR THE TEI~PO~~~Y REMI$SION OI~3" PENl~LTIES~ INTEREST ANIl COSTS UPON THE REDFL~'~iPTION OF PROP~ftTY SOLD FOR . DELINQUENT TAXES~ DECLaRING THE ~TRGEN~Y OF THI~ ORDINANC"E AND PR01tIDING THAT TT SH~iLL TA'KE EFF'ECT UPON FINRL ADOPTION" ~ PASSED qND ADOPTED ON THE 16th DAY OF SEPTE~+IBER~ 19~6 ~ . The O~dinaaee was read by the Clerk~ and upo~ motioa~ whirh was se~onded and carrieda v~as adopted by the follow~ng vote. t~YESr.Councilmen, Gibsan, Phillips and ~~,thitloek. NOESz None Absent: Counci2men,Conrad and Schn,yder. The Ordinanee was then and there signed by the a~ting ~Iayor . and attested by the Clerk of the eity and ¢rdered printed and published in the Herald neCOrder. RESOLUTION No. ~1 V RESOLtTTION OF INTENTION TO CLOSE UP A11TD ~BANDOl~' 1~LL OF THAT CErZTt~IN STREET IN THE CITY Or ARROYO Gr~ANDE, ~OUNTY OF. SRN' LU25 OBI~PO ~ STATE OF ClILIFORNIA ~ DESCr~IBED AS r OLLO`~IS s ~ That certai~n street lying in Bloek 38 of Be~ketts Addition to the City of Arsoyo Grar~de; Bounded on -~,he North by Lots 14 and 25 of said BZo~lc 38, on the East by Paci~ie Coast Company Ri~ht of Way on the South by Lots 13 and 26 of said Block 38 and on the `~iest by Tallyho Aver~e. On motion by Coun~i~lman Gibson~ Seconded by CounEilman itV'hhitlock the following resolution is duly adopted on the iollowing votes AYE~s Coun~ilmen, Gibson, Phillips and `Nhitlock. NOES: None ~?BSENTs Coun~ilmen, Conrad~ Schnyder. ~EAS; a petition is on file with this City Couneil requeating that that certain street~ as hereinabove describe~~ ~d be abgndoned ' under the provisions of Seetion 8195, General Lav~s of the State ~ of California. ~ ~QiEREFC)RE~ it is duly resolved that this City Coun~il intends tt~ elose up and abandon all of said hereinabove deseri~ed street. Moved~ seco~ided and carried~ that St. Superintendent have a boulevard stop sign ereeted at intersection of Crown and Branch ~ts. Said sign to Pace in an easterly direction on ~ro~n St. and to affeet traPfic traveling westward on Crown St. ~lso a eign at interseetion of Traffic '~'ay and Nelson Sts., Said gign to be placed dn the ~orner of Bridge and Nelson-Stss~ facing in us ~estePly direetion and to affect traffic traveling e~stwsrd on Nelson St. No fLirther busines appearing> and upon motion the meeting was ad j ournecl . ~TTE : - • ~ ~.c~ ~ Mayor ~ Cit~e~k . . . .