Minutes 1937-02-17 13~ y CrJ Arroyo Grande~ ~alif. ~ r'ebruary 17, 1937 a' City Council met in regular session rrith acting B~layor J. S. Gibson in the ehair. Upon roll call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillip~~Sehnyder and `fi~hitlo~ reported present. ~ayor Conrad absent. ~inutes of previous meeting rea.d. and approved as read. ~r. ~lton ~~allory and~:.`sev'~~±~1~°i*es~den~~~.~bf==~he~-~'e~.lyho district „ appeared to ask that the City do something about Tallyho Ave. as it is at the present.time impassable. A£ter much dis~ussion the Board agreed to check up and immediately take ae ~ion to see what could be done. B~'ir. ~ie~ls ~ als.o of the iallyho distriet, asl~ed the Cit~~ to P~pair the bad washout across the publ3.c road in front of ~is place. He st~ted that in view of the f~ct that ~ir. Beckett~ had • ~ offered to deed the City this right of way~ and as the pr,emises abuttir~g on this road are becoming more thickly populatea~`same should be maintained by the City. City Clerk instructed to go to San Luis Obispo and check up on what streets actually belong to the City and whie,h do not. Comnaunication~ read and disposed of. lteguest of California ~ission Trails Association for $12.00 donation denied. I~oved by Councilma.n Phillips~ Seconded by Coun~ilman `~lhitloek ~otion carried~ to cancel I~unicipal Licens~~ Nos. 1~02, 1~.1~ & 1710 as they were levied on businesses which did not e~eF~te~~ata.~he time . Request of Jewel Tea Co. for reduction of license fee denied. Request of 1~Trs. Lilly Casteel for reduetion of water rate denied. Tuioved~ seconded and carried that all present metered water consumers who are paying less than the ~2.00 mimimua be automat- ieally raised t~o the $2.00 rate. ~~t~ C~,~r~ ~~s~rue~.e,~;:to~ have ~~1 u~±~c°~d~d.;de~~s ~eearded ~ t a~~C ~ ~ . _ , No further business appearing and~upon motion the meeting was adjourned. _ M ~ . ` ' ayor City Clerk I ~