Minutes 1937-03-03 133 Arroy~ Grande ~ Cal ifornia ~:arch 3 ~ 1937 City Council met in regular session with acting Mayor S. Gibson in the chair. Upon rall call Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips, Schnyder and '~hitlock reported present. ~Yayor Conrad absent. Bt,inutes of previous meetin~ read and approved as read.. T.'r.-. Earl 'o~Jilkinson appeared before the Board to protest the levying of a municipal license a~ainst him as a contractor. ~fter due deliberation his plea For exemption was denied. RESOLUTION No. 72 RESOLUTIOhT RBANDONING ALL THAT EERTAIN STREET LYING IN BLOCK 38 OF BECKETT'S ADDITIOhT TO THE eITY OF ARROY~ GRAI~TDE: BOUNDED ON THE NO~TH BY LOTS 14 AND 25 OF S~ID BLO~K 38~ O1~ 'I'HE EAST BY PACIFIC COAST COMPI~EI~Y RIGHT 4F '~YAY~ ON THE SOUTH BY LOT~ 13 AND 26 OF S~ID BLOCK 38 AND ON THE WEST BY TALLY HO AVENUE. On motion by Councilman Phillips, seconded by Councilman Schnyder the foregoin~ ~esolution is duly adopted by the following vote. AYES:s Councilmen Gibson~ Phillips~ Sehnyder and ',1~hitlock. NO~S: None ~BSENT: l~ayor Conrad. Ordinance # 56 was read for the first time to be re-read at the next meeting. Subject of Joe fteil attaching to sewer Y belonging to the Episcopal Church was approved by the Board providing he can get permission from the Trustees of the chureh. Subjeet of Street Signs for Jones Tract was earried over to some later date. ;oater 5uperintendent instructed to install more meters. Price on Gas Tank belon~ing to the City set at $25.00 , Bills against the Genera~ Fund in the amount of $ 427.63 afid the ~~Tater Fun~ in the amount of ~ 405,45 were audited~ appraved and ordered paid. I~To further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. r Y~~ / ~r iayor City elerk