Minutes 1937-03-17 13~ ~ ~ ~-3 yrroyo Grande, California Iviarch 17~ 1.937 a• City Council met in regular session wit~h acting ~~iayor ~ Gibson in the chair. Ll~nn ro]:1 call Coun~ilmer. Gibson~ Phillips, 'Nhitlock and 5ehny~er reported present. ~bse~t l~~_ar.yor Conrad. ~inutes of pre~rious meeting read and approved as read. Comrnunications read and disposed of. iv~oved~ seconded and earri~ed that Counei].man Schnyder be appointed as ~ committee of one to interview P~rs Hgnes Olohan B~trke in regard to dismantling the old building on her lot directly be~ek of the pres~nt Fiank building. City C?er~k instructed to cheek municipal license colle~tiona for the past auarter and compare with colZections for a like period two years ago. City ~lerk instructed to apply to Division of Hi~hways for a permit to paint a pedestrianerossin~ From the ~orner of Braneh and Bridge streets across Braneh street to the corner of Braneh and ~~~vada streets « Ordinance ~ 56 as revised was re-read. Due to changes in same tnis readir~ to be considered as first reading of a~ove mentioned Ordinance. P?o further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned. ' ~ ~ ~ C i t„r C l erk ~riay or